Ask a Pro Detailer

Groom Carpets and Floor Mats without Special Tools

I am frequently asked about the lines and patterns that many detailers include as part of their interior service.  This look is often associated with a clean, just detailed interior and therefore is desired by many vehicle owners.

Most seem to assume that specialized equipment such as hot water extractors or steamers are necessary to produce this look, however that is not the case.  These machines can be very useful at deep cleaning fabric, and they can certainly be used for grooming the carpet after cleaning, but they are not used on every interior service.  Luckily, the same groomed appearance can be achieved with a simple stiff bristled brush.

Begin by brushing all fibers of the carpet or mat in one direction.  If you are going to be adding stripes, you will want to brush the fibers in the direction that your stripes will eventually go.  Once the fibers have all been brushed in a single direction, you should have a uniform looking mat (note:  for those that don’t prefer a stripe, brushing all of the fibers in one direction will produce a very neat and tidy appearance as well).

Next, use your brush to create evenly spaced lines in the opposite direction that the fibers were initially brushed.  The opposing brush strokes create the contrast needed for the most defined lines.

Lines can be made in all sorts of directions and will give a more completed look to your interior if that is the owner’s preferred style.  The benefit to this very simple method is that you are not limited to owning big expensive equipment just for the sake of grooming carpet.

On the other hand, even if you do own extractors and steamers, not every vehicle will undergo an in depth interior service that requires their use.  It is nice to be able to add these grooming lines even when the service only includes a simple vacuuming of the carpets.

Hopefully this quick tip will help to bring your interiors to the next level!

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