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Holiday Season: Shopping Tips, Broken Supply Chains, & More

Holiday Season - Shopping Tips & Broken Supply Chains
You’ve all heard it; supply chain issues, labor shortages, delays, and inflation. Those are the current problems of 2021 as the world economy tries to restart itself after shutdowns. Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem like there is an end in sight to those problems and this will certainly affect this year’s holiday shopping season. We have some tips for all shoppers but let’s dig into some factors to take into consideration when you’re shopping this season.

Computer chip shortages. Epic port congestion. And a serious lack of truck drivers. The world’s delicate supply chains are under extreme stress.

The global supply chain nightmare is about to get worse by Matt Egan, CNN Business

These problems affect us, our suppliers, and our customers. We’re doing our best to manage our inventory but there are so many factors that are out of our hands. As the holiday season nears, the problems will unlikely subside anytime soon but we’re working hard to be ready for the increased demand of the holidays.

Mike Cardenas over at Forza Detailing wrote a great article about shipping delays in today’s e-commerce world that applies to today more than ever.

In today’s e-commerce world, ordering something is as simple as a few clicks on a keyboard or phone. We then expect to see our package waiting at our door within a day or so. In detailing, we all would love to have that as the common scenario, but in reality, we have all experienced some type of shipping delay or backorder at some point.

Mike Cardenas of Forza Detailing

Here are some highlights from Mike’s article on why delays happen:

Those are just a few of the points that Mike hits on in his article. For more on shipping delays and how it affects your detailing business see his full shipping delays article with in-depth details.

Here are some of the other factors that may affect your shopping and business this holiday season:

Holiday Shopping Tips

Here are some of my holiday shopping tips to manage delays for you and/or your business:

Our world went from 0 to 100 really quick and the world was not ready for that, so it will take some time to resolve itself but I’m optimistic things will get better. I’d like to wish everyone a happy holiday shopping season and I’d love to hear your holiday shopping tips!

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