Ask a Pro Detailer

My Physical Health Between Details – How To Perform At A High Level

Physical Health Between Details

An often-neglected discussion topic are the physical demands of detailing for money.  I am not just referring to short term fatigue.  What is more concerning are the long term effects detailing can have on your body.  When you are having a very busy week or booking for an extensive correction and coating service, you are probably putting an abnormal strain on your body.  It is not just labor-intensive activity but the unnatural positions you put your body in for long periods that cause problems.   Think to yourself when you are meticulously polishing the hood or cleaning the back window, how typical is it for you to stand or sit at a 45-degree angle for 5 minutes at a time.

Your body needs to be strong enough with respect to physical stamina to hold up to the physical rigors of detailing.  You also need to be mindful of when a certain amount recovery time is necessary.  If you are detailing for money, it is important to have the mentality of being a high-performance athlete.

Treat detailing as training or a gym experience.  If you have a grueling week, cut out the heavy sugar consumption.  I will tend to hold off on indulging into sweets and greasy foods as my cheat, when I am taking a day away from detailing.  Be mindful of muscles that ache after detailing.  When you recover build them up in the gym.  Invest in a foam roller.

I will also sometimes massage my foot with a tennis ball.  This helps loosen up your joints and cuts down the inflammation in your lower body.  A tennis ball is a good alternative and will compliment having a foam roller.  A tennis ball is also compact for easy travel and inexpensive.   Think about how often you are on your feet?

Get quality bedding and a very good pillow, if you do not have one.  Years ago, I might have considered the $50 pillow I sleep on unnecessary.  Just like when some of your customers learned for themselves the difference of a quality detail, sometimes a dramatically better night sleep reminds you that you pay for what you get.  That $50 dollar pillow is one of my best detailing investments.

Let us not forget the value in our investment of polishers.

Rupes polishers and other premium options are distinguished from more budget friendly in value not just due to polishing results but in our health.  A smoother operating machine cuts down on fatigue in the short run.  Even more importantly premium machine improves our quality of life in the long run by protecting our hands and our ears.  These details are often left out when someone posts on YouTube that another polisher works almost as well.  There is no shame in starting out with your more affordable options.  I still have my Porter Cable.  I made a name for myself with that machine.  If you are doing more than an occasional polishing, consider investing in vibration resistant gloves until you have the budget for premium polishers.

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