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Geist. 3 Minus vs 3 Plus Care Kits

Geist. 3 Minus vs 3 Plus Care Kits
You may be thinking what is the difference between the Geist. 3 Plus and 3 Minus Care kits. At first my thoughts were that it’s related to the protection duration but it relates to age of the leather surface you plan to use it on. One kit is for leather that is less than 3 years old hence “3 Minus” and the other is “3 Plus” for older than 3 years.

Now that we know what each kit is made for, there is only one difference in the kits and that is the 3 Plus comes with Geist. Leather Conditioner. Geist. states that when your leather is less than 3 years old the leather surface is still at an optimum balance moisture and oil so the leather conditioner isn’t needed. As you approach 3 years is where the leather conditioner comes into play as the leather starts to lose moisture.

The Geist. kits come with everything you need to clean and protect your leather surface and get the 3 Plus to moisturize leather surfaces over 3 years old. I love myself a nice comparison chart even for something this simple, it helps me visually compare the products, so here you go.

Geist. Care Kit Comparison Chart

3 Minus

3 Plus

What’s included
Leather Conditioner No Yes
Recommended age of leather surface to use on Less than 3 years Older than 3 years

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