Ask a Pro Detailer

Income Diversification & Detailing Safety

Ask-a-Pro Detailer - Income Diversification and Detailing Safety

During the rapidly evolving COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation, we here at DI had to take a step back and reevaluate certain parts of the business. We already take great pride in our green practices (i.e. recycling, packing paper for orders, invoices on recycled paper and more), as well as the cleanliness of our warehouse, but there are always ways to be even better. With us being located in a gated community and not having a storefront, we do not have visitors stopping in, which greatly reduces foot traffic. We have upped our cleaning schedule to every day and employees have their own dedicated picking and packing equipment. Our warehouse team is small enough and our warehouse is large enough, that each employee can practice social distancing. We also have a few other actions that we’re taking at this time which we listed in our Coronavirus post here, so do not hesitate to give that a read.

The detailing industry is made up of hard-working, dedicated and detail-oriented people. We take pride in cleaning and enhancing vehicles to the point that they look better than new, once we hand them back off to the customer. During this time some detailing businesses will close, while others will stay open. Each option is designed to help stop the spread, one in terms of shutting down for social distancing, the other to sanitize and kill the virus in vehicles that are still being used each day.

Below we have a few topics we wanted to touch on that can help any business and their communities, not only during this trying time but at any time in the future.

Diversifying Your Income Stream w/DI:

As a professional who purchases detailing supplies on a regular basis, you are always looking for sales, specials or you are part of a savings program like the DI Wholesale Program, which ensures you are saving on each and every purchase. Savings are great but have you thought about how you can diversify your income stream?

In these trying times, we mentioned the two options that most shops are facing, closing or staying open. Whatever side of the fence you stand on, there are some ways to help out your business and your customers. We will touch on safety during detailing later on, this section is for how you can help customers and add a little money in your pockets at the same time.

Detailing Safety Suggestions:

Detailing safety should be taken seriously for each and every detail. We generally take measures to protect ourselves from more of the everyday issues that detailing can cause, such as protecting ourselves from detailing chemicals and from the overall wear and tear that detailing puts on our bodies. James Melfi put together a fantastic article covering everything from masks, gloves, shoes to knee pads. You can find this entire article by clicking here.

In these times though, it is more apparent that we need to make disinfecting and sanitizing a much higher priority.

Recommended Sanitizing & Protection Products:

Recommended Articles:

IDA Press Releases:

Below are two press releases from the IDA. We are dealing with some very trying times and unusual circumstances and you, as professional detailers and suppliers, must not only safeguard yourselves and your families but also protect your businesses and customers. It’s a challenging balancing act and of course, we would never dictate policy for your businesses, but urge you to above all be safe, and treat each other and your customers fairly and respectfully. Whether that is staying open and working to better our cleaning processes or closing up for the time being to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe.

Key Items to Consider:

Remember, fear is an evil influence on people so exercise patience and common sense…we’ll get through this together!

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