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Advantages Of Fabric Protection Services For Your Business



When I think of a complete detail, what comes to mind is the use of some protection over the paint that has some hydrophobic properties.  The exterior care process is often looked at by many buyers more seriously as a detailing service than interior services.  Even when demand may be higher, interior detailing is often considered the less glamorous part of detailing by detailers and customers alike.  This is in major part due to the negative connotations that come with it as merely cleaning a car.  The irony being there are many customers who report positive and negative interior detailing experiences, that I accredit to both parties not taking the demands of intricate cleaning of sensitive materials seriously.

I believe there are 3 significant reasons that including durable fabric protection can benefit your interior package.

Tangibly And Intangibly Legitimize Your Service Offering

This is one method to market to your clients in a way that communicates you are a business that should be taken more seriously.  You are formally providing evidence of a service that is more than just cleaning the inside of a car.  It provides a luxury touch to an interior service.

A Premium Yet Competitively Priced Service

Although some of the more durable fabric protectants mandate a long curing time, the effort and time to apply them are modest relative to the rest of detail.  I have seen the price recommendations from most ceramic coating companies to often double what the cost of an interior detail may  start at for some businesses.  Use your best judgement with pricing.  But this addition may encourage you to price your interior service in a way in which you are just as inspired to perform interiors as you are exteriors.  In other words, it is worth your time.  You can have the best of both worlds, with a competitively priced profitable service.

It Really Does Add Value

Many people wonder what are the benefits of a detail beyond the transformation and seeing a clean interior.  You have fabric that has some protection against spills temporarily and is going to be easier to maintain.  Like exterior protection,  you may need to manage expectations.  But providing a more complete interior experience, benefits customers by maximizing the long term value of a detail.  Logic of the real cost of running a business aside, many people simply do not like spending money on interior details.  Legitimate fabric protection makes this investment more palatable.  You are likely in your car (and everything that comes with that), more than you stare at it. If you are asking for some specific products that I have used and enjoy, try the Gyeon Fabric coat, Gtechniq Smart Fabric, or the 303 Fabric Guard.

Gyeon Fabric Review

Rodney Tatum
Mirror Reflections Auto Spa
Gainesville, Florida
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