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7 comments on Ask-A-Pro: How to Clean a Sheepskin Wash Mitt?

  1. Mike says:

    After mine are clean and dry, they go into a zip lock for storage. That keeps them dust free until the next use.

  2. Steve says:

    Do you think it is ok to wash them in a front loading washer? I have a bottle of DI Microfiber Micro-Restore Microfiber Detergent Concentrate.

    • You could, but I wouldn’t mix them with your microfiber or other towels. And since you probably don’t want to wash just one or two of them in the washing machine all by themselves, you might as well just quickly do them by hand. When washing, it’s best to keep all types of towels and wash media separate from one another. For more info on this subject, please check out the article by Marc Harris on proper microfiber care.


  3. niks says:

    hey Todd,
    I want to know, what if someone does not have the Grit Guards. Is there any way to clean the mitt during the wash?

  4. Dan says:

    I’ve done all this but after air drying the mitt is stiff, like leather that gets wet and then dries out. Is this ok or should it be stored in a container to keep it from completely drying out?

  5. Nick says:

    Dan, I had the same issues with the leather getting stiff. Then after 2 months the hair started coming out in clumps. $$$$ down the drain. I love the Aussie mit because it is so slick on paint, but if it won’t last it’s got to go.

  6. john Mahoney says:

    I didn’t realize that a lot of sheepskin products need to be air dried. I appreciate the information, it was very helpful. I will make sure to take care of my sheepskin items properly so they last longer.

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