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4 comments on Ask-A-Pro: Working in Direct Sunlight

  1. Boodie says:

    This is old thinking. There are products that work well in sun that are water based not oil based. Products have been tested in ambient temperatures at 150F in sun and proven to be effective.

  2. Texas Pete says:

    Howdy Boodie!
    For some individuals it is old (er) thinking, however, for many new “Hobby” Detailers this is new due to
    the variety of produkts on the market these days, talking of such, what produkts are tested with 150F degrees in the sun with good results?
    I would like to know because i do not have an garage and i deal with brutal heat here in the heart of Texas!

  3. Actually one of the key points that Chad is making is that even when products state that they’re safe to use in direct sunlight, you can typically get better results when not in direct sunlight.

    I have tested many different products in and out of direct sun, and haven’t found many that work equally well in both conditions. Many of them have a tendency to dry too fast, streak, haze, stain, or a combination of these when used in direct sunlight or really hot conditions.

    Your best bet is always to read the labels first and follow them accordingly. If the label says that it’s safe to use in direct sunlight, then do a simple test yourself in both conditions and see how they compare.

    I hope this helps to clarify the situation a bit.

    Todd Cooperider

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