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Detailing Business Owners: Your Problems Are Not Unique


I remember very early after starting a business, I had already experienced many of the situations on a regular basis that I see quite a few business owners complain about.  Prospective customers that likely are not our customers saying the following, “what! that much to clean a car.” “Hey you wash cars, do you want some work?”

Two points here! Your problems are not unique, not only in the detailing industry but other industries that are often considered misunderstood. Also, it would be wise to seek wisdom from not only within the industry but outside of it.

Although I suspect many people will get the difference here, what I am about to mention is for education and not bashing.  I remember getting into the habit over the holidays of visiting a Nordstrom during the holidays.  I went to just observe and take in the experience.  I would then, a week or two later, visit a Walmart.  I wanted to take notes on the experience and then look at where I was falling short presenting myself as a provider of luxury goods in terms of optics.  There were often opportunities to be humbled in my efforts to provide a luxury detailing presentation.  I knew very early on I did not want to limit myself to within the industry of detailing for clairvoyance.  This process has been ongoing, including today.

Owning A High-End Detailing Business Part 5

I believe it is important for those reading here to go outside of the detailing industry for clarity and wisdom.  I remember traveling a few hours to meet a gentleman who owns an exotic car mechanic shop.  He is widely considered the regional expert in the state of Florida.  Unfortunately, we had to cut our interaction short, and our schedules did not allow for a follow up.  But I am incredibly grateful for not only our talk but for him being a real-life example of someone who inspired confidence in people to ship their cars halfway across the country to him.  The experience made me more savvy, gave me conviction about my plans, and boosted my confidence in what I was doing.

I cannot duplicate that experience from my friends.  Although the industry has grown in this realm tremendously the past several years, it is not the same as continuously seeking wisdom outside the industry from people in relatable positions. Two good videos are listed below:

Source: YouTube

Source: YouTube

Rodney Tatum
Mirror Reflections Auto Spa
Gainesville, Florida
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1 comment on Detailing Business Owners: Your Problems Are Not Unique

  1. Ron Ayotte says:

    I had a guy stop by for an evaluation on his Toyota Camry. I quoted him a price and he immediately asked for a discount, because, in his words.. “I can get you more business than you can handle”. I told him that if I had $10 for every potential client who said that to me, I would be driving a Porsche 911 instead of a Ford Ranger as a daily driver. He laughed, I laughed and he asked me again for a discount. I then had to be frank and told him flat out “no”. He then told me he “refuses to take no for an answer,” which I countered with “”there’s a first time for everything”. The moral of the story is “stand your ground”!

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