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Getting the Reviews


Detailing Customer Reviews

Reviews – love ’em, hate ’em, it doesn’t matter. They’re going to affect your business. What are you doing to try to shape that?

First, identify what site’s reviews you care most about. If most of your traffic comes to you through Facebook, obviously Facebook reviews should be your focus. Google Reviews and Yelp are two others that you may want to consider.

What I Do

After a client picks up their vehicle, I send them this text message:

Hey John, just wanted to thank you for your business! Your paid invoice can be found here:


We rely on word of mouth to find other car owners looking for quality detailing – if you have a moment to leave a review, we’d greatly appreciate it!

Link to leave a Facebook review: link

Link to leave a Google review: link

Finally, here’s an article on how to maintain the condition of your vehicle. http://www.revitalizeautospa.com/care

Thanks again, and best of luck with your upcoming move!

How To Find the Links

For Facebook, it’s pretty straightforward – navigate to your page, select “Reviews”, and then copy/paste the link.

For Google, there are a few more steps:

  1. On your computer, sign in to Google My Business.
    • If you have multiple locations, open the location you want to manage.
  2. In the left menu, click Home.
  3. In the “Get more reviews” card, you can copy your short URL to share with customers.

For Yelp:

  1. Search for your business using the “Find” and “Near” boxes on the Yelp homepage
  2. Click the name of your business in the results list:
  3. Click the “Write a Review” link on the upper right side of the page:
  4. Copy the URL from the URL bar of your browser:


Making it easier for clients to just tap “5 stars” and type in “Great service, highly recommend” on their phone is an easy win. Obviously this could backfire if you get one of “those” clients that’s NEVER happy, but in my experience, those are pretty rare. Time to get some more five-star reviews on that page!

Nicholas Chopp
Revitalize Auto Spa
Honolulu, HI

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