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Growing Family, Growing Business


What’s more crazy than having one child already and then finding out you are going to have another one, finding out your wife is pregnant with twins!

Yes, you heard that right, 5 months ago my wife delivered twins, growing our family from three to five! Busy is an understatement here, twins are a whole different game. They are twice the fun, but twice the headache, struggle, loading in and out of the car, twice the smiles, the laughs, the diapers, and are always a constant stand out when in public. It’s all good though, wouldn’t change a thing!

Another update, I have moved the shop to a more central location in Orange, CA. It is bigger and has a better layout for what we do! More room for working around cars, area for product sales, demo panels, etc. We are very excited for the future growth!

Sleep, what is that? I’ve been getting 4 to 5 hours a night of INTERRUPTED sleep every night since the babies were born with changing and feedings. It’s finally starting to get better with them sleeping through the night, but between the 60-80 hour weeks with work, the family at home, it’s been very tiring, very hard to balance everything.

I’m aiming to start writing more and more posts as soon as possible. If anyone wants to swing by the shop and see the upgrades in progress or cars being worked on, please feel free to email or call/text me and give me the heads up you are coming down! www.enviousdetailing.com is the website with all the contact info!

Eric Schuster Envious Detailing
Eric Schuster
Envious Detailing
Orange County, CA

5 comments on Growing Family, Growing Business

  1. Lisa Trovato says:

    Hi all. I recently bought a used car from a dealership. When the windshield is wet, or its humid out, u can see where the price sticker was……very clearly! How can I remove this? I’ve tried everything from ammonia to Mr. Clean Magic Erasers. Any input would be appreciated.

  2. Bob says:

    Congrats on the new additions to your family. Sounds like fun and a lot of work.

  3. Kevin Fleharty says:

    Congratulations on the twins!As a father of twins I know how first hand the challenges and the rewards.My attention to detailing obviously carried over to my family as my twins are The First And Still Only Set Of Twins From Oklahoma To Graduate From The United States Air Force Academy.I miss the little things when they were younger but it is truly amazing seeing them as officers. I always laughed when people would ask if my wife worked and I would respond with ,no she just stays home with the twins.It is hard to come up with a really clever question when people see twins.Its usually are those twins? If I was on say an elevator and someone would ask I would just respond with No that one is the neighbors kid.The look on peoples faces is priceless.Best wishes.

  4. jake luksenberg says:

    Congratulations, and best of Luck

  5. Ron A says:

    Congrats on the new location and the twins!

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