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Limited Funds: What You Could Still Do For Your Business


Education is always key, in addition to having samples of your work available.  But what do you do with no portfolio of client vehicles?  Do you have a car?  What do you regularly do (auto detailing) with your car? Do you just hit record and or take a photo while in the act of detailing?

What I recommend doing is to find a friend and make an offer he or she can’t refuse. Use their car to build a portfolio that includes but is not limited to before and after pictures during the detailing process. The work and the process is important too!

Water Beading

If you do not have a website with a portfolio, put your phone to use! Have a folder available with you to showcase content.

I Phone

You can also use your phone in another way. Even if you cannot afford the Scangrip MatchPen, as a backup or primary option, use the flashlight function on most modern cell phones.  You have an opportunity either with direct sunlight or without light to use your flashlight app to showcase swirls.

Another option is one that even I admit, I did not have the best success early on with this activity, but considering it cost no money it is worth noting.  I walked the town and introduced myself to local businesses.  I introduced myself at the dentist and doctors’ offices.  I went to car audio system shops.  I frequented mechanic and window tint shops.  I did not arrive at someone’s place of business to just to pitch what I do.  I gave them an opportunity to get to know me on a more personal level.  That rapport provided opportunities for others to learn about my expertise and character.  It was also an opportunity to see if there was something unique I had to offer versus what every other detailing business was providing.

Lastly, let us not forget all of the opportunities a car panel can present.  Many auto body shops are willing to give these away and there is so much content you can produce with a little effort here. If you do not have a friend’s car like mentioned above, this option can demonstrate what someone is missing by not purchasing your services.  Showcase 50/50 pictures, the time it takes to polish a panel, the benefits of decontamination, the effects of paint protection, and more.

Rodney Tatum
Mirror Reflections Auto Spa
Gainesville, Florida
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1 comment on Limited Funds: What You Could Still Do For Your Business

  1. Greg Pautler says:

    I like that you went into some places cold and just introduced yourself! Too often we’re only doing these things online and I’ve found so many great opportunities when connecting face to face. I’m sure all these techniques are part of why you are successful!

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