MTE 2025: Should You Go?
by Rodney TatumI believe every detailing business owner should go at least once to Mobile Tech Expo, particularly Education Day. This year’s event will be held in the Orlando, FL from January 29th through February 1st.
The cost of mentorship and training, secondarily for detailing skills, but primarily for business development and networking is worth the price. I understand many cannot afford or justify additional training during certain periods. The cost to attend Mobile Tech Expo (MTE) is quite affordable, relative to detailing mentorship programs and for anyone serious about growing in this arena.
I attended MTE many years ago (2018) and had the honor to listen to many great speakers. Brian Brown, Jeff McEachran, and Mike Phillips were some of the speakers who contributed to the memorable experience. I shook hands with Renny Doyle and thanked him for his influence, sending me over the edge to start a business (after reading his book). There were other famous names in the industry present.
Many of these speakers gave information that not only challenged a majority of detailing business owners’ limiting beliefs, but they also provided practical solutions to many of our problems. For me, I remember a noticeable change in my competence and effectiveness marketing and selling my service since that experience in 2018. I had already begun trending in a positive direction. Many of the concepts touched upon, it brought clarity and focus on what I was already doing. Clarity comes from being in an environment of people who can relate to you.
Not only will a mobile detailer you never heard of that operates in some town in Indiana or Texas be having lunch beside you, but people also many of you know will be present. If it wasn’t for both parties, I may not be writing this article today as the owner of Mirror Reflections Auto Spa.
Mobile Tech Expo 2025
For the record I have been given the honor to be a speaker at this year’s event. I do not want you to attend specifically for that reason. I am overwhelmed and frankly have questioned whether I am deserving of this opportunity. There are going to be people who are present who have achieved much more success in business than I have. I know this. In terms of business operations, regardless of the advice you read, I am more a student than a teacher when it comes to the people there. What motivates me though? My experience, I still have my unique story, that I believe can make a difference even in the presence of better detailers and savvier business owners. For both reasons that is why I think you should attend this event. People from all walks of life will come together in a common field.
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