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Overlooked Areas: Gloss Black Trim on a 2017 Jaguar F-Pace S


Last summer I was contacted by the owner of a BMW who was very unhappy with the $2000+ detail he had just received from another local shop. He ask that I look the vehicle over for him and give him a quote to fix the issues. While there were several issues with the work done to the vehicle, the thing that stood out most to me was that the gloss black trim appeared untouched and was still very swirled up, which included the large B Pillars, which is arguably one of the very first things you see when entering the vehicle. Seeing the work done (or not done) to this vehicle was an inspiration for my article and when a newer Jaguar F-Pace S came in with the optional “black package” all swirled up, I knew it would make for a perfect example to my article.

I’m of the belief that a paint correction should involve all exterior painted surfaces being corrected to the same level. Performing paint correction on trim and other intricacies takes time and its tedious work, I get that, but when a customer is paying a lot of money for a high end paint correction, these are the things that need to be done.

This Jaguar came to me with just over 1000 miles on the clock and already had a lot of dealer installed swirls on it. In the below video, you can see just how swirled of the gloss black trim was on the vehicle prior to the paint correction.

Source: YouTube

This video shows the trim after a few hours polishing of work, not 100%, but much, much better than it was.

Source: YouTube

When it comes to a high end detailing I feel no area should be overlooked. Taking the necessary time to properly polish all the black trim is just one area that will help separate you from your competition.

Chad Rskovich Rasky's Auto Detailing
Chad Raskovich
Rasky's Auto Detailing
Minneapolis, MN

12 comments on Overlooked Areas: Gloss Black Trim on a 2017 Jaguar F-Pace S

  1. Pete M says:

    What would be the best product to use for that? I have a similar type area on the back of my Challenger and am always super careful on how I wash/dry it.

    • Chad Raskovich says:

      Hi Pete,

      I find the gloss black trim like the ones on this Jag tend to be softer and can often be fussy to finish down on. That being said, I’ve always had great results finishing with Optimum Hyper Polish and a yellow foam BOSS pad or crimson LC foam pad. For the initial correction you can use various compounds but I like Griot’s Fast Correct cream with MF pads as it cuts very well and finishes better than most other compounds, and it doesn’t dust like most of them either.

      Hope this helps,

  2. Neil says:

    One of the things that I think Jaguar Dealers don’t understand, is how to treat their customers cars. I have a 2012 XF, and every time I bring it in it comes back with greasy hand prints all around the doors, and over any area where work has been done.

    Once they washed the car despite my request not to, and it was COVERED in swirls afterwards! When I complained about it afterwards, they looked at me like I was crazy, and when I told them that I’d have to spend hours correcting the paint after this, they made a comment like ‘I have a Porsche around the back, do you want to work on that too?’.

    I love the new Jaguars, but I’m moving to BMW after my service experiences; hopefully they’ll be better!

    • Chad Raskovich says:

      Hi Neil,

      Sadly, my experience is that none of the dealers care for the cars the way we do, regardless of the logo on the back. My wife’s E-Class is getting dropped up at the dealer this week for a new windshield and I can only hope for the best and take every measure possible to keep them from messing up the paint.


  3. Bob says:

    I’m baffled how a detailer charging $2k is not polishing the b-pillar black trim.

    Awesome work on that Jaguar. What polishers were you using, specifically on the narrow trim down low?

    • Chad Raskovich says:

      Thanks Bob! I was baffled too.

      For the paint correction, Groit`s Fast Correct cream was used on the Rupes 21/G15 with Griot`s MF BOSS pads followed by Optimum Hyper Polish on the G15 with yellow BOSS pads. Tight areas were done with Megs G110v2 and the Rupes Nano using the same pads except for the Nano, for which I used LC crimson 2″ pads.


      • Bob says:

        All I have right now for tight/surgical polishing is my Dewalt, an extension and the one and two inch backing plate and pads.

        The Rupes Nano and Mini are in my future.

  4. Bryce says:

    Great to hear the Doobies too Chad!! – Killer

  5. Ray Scott says:

    Anyone paying 2 Grand for a detail has more money than brains. Especially when the trim was not corrected. I need to raise my prices substantially as I have been using your products in my business for years. Great work on the trim as always Chad. I learned something new you guys are the best.

  6. Tony Pies says:

    Honey, put the sunscreen away we’s moving to minnysota… folks paying 2k for lousy details…

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