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Clean ⋅ Shine ⋅ Protect
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Product Review: Gyeon Tire


We normally use Meguiar’s D160 at the shop as tire dressing and like it a lot.  I’ve tried a lot of tire shine products over the years and always stick with the basics because they’re cheap, easy to apply and look good.  I was excited to try the Gyeon Tire mainly because of the durability claims and a clean finish…

Gyeon Tire will restore and protect your tires with one easy to use formula! After you polish your paint and protect it with a coating, the deep, glossy, clarity of the paint is really a thing of beauty. This finish makes your vehicle stand out, but if you have ugly dull tires next to this paint, it just takes away from the overall luster of the vehicle. Gyeon set out to take that same feeling we get when looking at our paint and putting it into a product for your tires. Gyeon Tire, is a SIO2 coating that leaves behind a great deal of protection and gloss, along with restoring your tire back to its natural deep matte luster. Do not confuse this product with a typical tire dressing, Gyeon Gyeon Tire is a coating through and through. It lasts months, not weeks like other dressings and the ability to repel water from the surface of the rubber it simply put, outstanding. This beading is only rivaled by the coating on your paint and it helps keep your tire cleaner for much longer. This is incredibly valuable as tires are the only part of the vehicle touching the ground, meaning that they are coming into contact with dirt, grime, UV rays, and other tough contamination. When you wash your tires, you will find that most contamination will roll off the surface, saving you valuable detailing time and effort. What are you left with you ask, just think of a deep, dark, matte looking tire with a durable layer of protection to boot. Allow your tires to stand out from the crowd with Gyeon Tire!

After trying it a few times on some clients’ vehicles I decided to take a few quick photos just to show how it looks on a freshly cleaned tire.  Normally we don’t clean tires with a brush and APC unless they’re absolutely filthy, which usually happens from overloading tires with greasy tire shine.  For this though I gave the tire a quick cleanup with APC as well as adhesive remover using a towel to try and really test the durability of the Gyeon Tire shine.  Here’s a simple photo of the clean tire…

Gyeon Tire

I then lightly applied the product to the left side of the tire…

Gyeon Tire

You can tell there’s a slight shine to it but it is not greasy whatsoever.  It applies nice and even especially when you use a nicely saturated applicator pad.  On the rest of the tire I applied a VERY light layer just to see both how it looks and goes onto the tire surface…

Gyeon Tire Gyeon Tire

As you can tell if looking closely it was definitely a thin layer that didn’t cover 100% of the surface (around the letters and other things sticking out) but I left it like this to see if durability is affected.  Other tires I was pretty liberal in applying it and those definitely got thorough coverage.  We do this with any shine product so as recommended by Gyeon I wiped off some residue after 15 minutes on a few tires and it gave it the look above of simply a very clean, dark looking tire.

Few things I like about this product are the look and durability.  It reminded me of using Leatherique (yes I know, weird comparison) on interior leather in that it just leaves a very nice clean finish, not much to wipe off and no greasy look at all. Durability was also noticeably better than usual in that it went through a few washes on my personal car before I started to notice any diminishing of the dark look on the tire.  The areas where I applied it thin as expected didn’t last as long.

On the other hand this product may not be for everyone.  Some may prefer a more shiny product in which case I don’t think this is a great choice since it doesn’t have that really shiny look.  The price is also always a factor and this is definitely on the expensive side compared to other tire shine products.

Overall I think it’s a great product and comes down to personal preference of how you want the tires to look after the application.  If you like to apply tire shine every wash or two and like a really shiny look, you should probably look at something cheaper like Meg’s Endurance Tire Gel or 303 High Gloss Tire Shine.  If however you want a bit more durability out of your product and a really clean, matte finish, then Gyeon Tire is a great choice.

Ivan Rajic LUSTR Deatil
Ivan Rajic
LUSTR Detail
257 N Woodwork Lane
Palatine IL 60067
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1 comment on Product Review: Gyeon Tire

  1. Dave says:

    The application comments say that drying with a heat source (hair dryer?) is recommended for longest wear of the dressing. This seems a little over the top. Did you do the tires with no external heat source to “dry/set” it?


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