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22ple Signature Glass Coating Product Review


Recently we ran a contest on our Facebook page, giving away a few of the 30ml bottles of the 22ple Signature Glass Coating for free! The only thing we asked for, was for whoever won this contest to write us a review on their experience with this product. One review in particular was outstanding and we felt it was worth sharing with everyone here on the Ask-A-Pro Blog. Please take a minute to read the product review below which includes some incredible photos from Detailed Image customer Marcos Barajas!

The only thing I enjoy more than auto detailing is enjoying the car’s themselves. I enjoy testing newer products, especially coatings. Once reading reviews, out of curiosity I ordered 22PLE VX1 Pro Glass coating for my very own personal car. Thanks to the recent Detailed Image contest, I was going to be applying 22PLE VX1 Signature Glass coating  to another vehicle. The hard part was identifying a worthy candidate, and being a car lover surrounded by many the choice was an already immaculate 2008 SuperBee owned by my good friend Mark S.

The paint on the vehicle was B5 Blue, a Pearl throwback to Petty Blue. This car is garage kept, weekend driven, track proven, and rarely encounters rain. Upon inspection there was only very light marring, a few very minor scratches, and of course paint contamination, but overall very good. After a thorough wash, we clayed the vehicle head to toe. With having a much smoother finish after the clay it was time to polish. Most of the Car was polished using Menzerna PF 2500, while a few problem areas and spot corrections were done using Menzerna FG 400. We used a mixture of Lake Country 6 inch pads, and 3 inch pads for the tighter spots using a Griot’s Garage Polisher. After inspecting the paint once more under Halogen work lights both the owner and I were satisfied with a beautiful corrected finish. We couldn’t wait to lock it in with 22PLE. We were both nervous, especially Mark, as this would be his first time experiencing a silica coating, different from any other LSP he has encountered. We washed once more using CG Wash and Clear to help strip the polishing oils, and after that we wiped the car down twice with a 50/50 mix of Alcohol and Distilled water. The Car was now ready for some Gloss, or should I say Glass!

For application we used micro-suede towels wrapped around a foam core to ensure we did not waste any product. Being a light colored car we could barely notice the coating going on, so we used the Halogen work lamps to help. Being in Texas, and under hot lamps, we decided 3 1/2 minutes would be ideal to let the product sit before removal. We found the product to be very forgiving and a breeze to use. We went over all the flat black vinyl as well. It gave the vinyl a slight darker appearance but gave it a better constant matte finish. For wiping off we used two short nap, yet soft microfiber towels to cut down on any would be shedding, one to get the initial product off and the other to follow up.

During the application and more so afterwords we were both amazed of the glass like finish 22PLE VX1 was presenting. In Mark’s words, “It looks Wet!” Indeed it did. Having a claimed life of 18-24 months and the ability to protect the surface from future contaminants, coupled with the ease of VX1 is a no brainer on whether it’s worth it. We took the car out of the garage two days after the coating was applied and it looked as though the gloss intensified, and appeared as it was encased in a glass shell. We did a quick demo of pouring a glass of water down the door only to see the water disappear onto the floor. We both had a big smile seeing the results of the hydrophobic properties. What more can I say about 22PLE VX1 Signature Glass coating, it has to be one of the glossiest products I’ve experienced, it offers some of the best protection out there, and at 18-24 months it’s a bargain!











Let Marcos know what you think of his review below and thank you as always for reading!

19 comments on 22ple Signature Glass Coating Product Review

  1. Andy Best says:

    Nice job, Marcos! That shine is insane. If you want a challenge, you can come over and try this stuff on my black Challenger!

  2. David G says:

    Nice review Marcos; but next time leave the watch off the wrist when claying …. we don’t want to marr that beaufital paint!

    • Marcos B says:

      Not to worry, this was only for the photo op, I had the owner grab the clay for a moment so I could take a pic.

  3. John says:

    Nice job, but the last couple of pictures don’t look natural to my eyes (software altered..?..)

    • Marcos B says:

      Not altered, just edited for fun. The first you mention is only vignetted, the second one was enhancing the clarity and harsh details. Photography is my second hobby, after detailing of course.

  4. abqhudson says:

    Sounds to me like it may be difficult to use – can’t see what you are doing – maybe too thin and no color??? I would like to know how much is required to do a medium sized car. Results look very good.

    • Marcos B says:

      The only hard part of the application was prepping the paint to your own liking and satisfaction. We could have just did IPA wipedowns and coated it, but we wanted to ensure we locked in the best possible finish. As for 22ple application it’s hard to see it go on light colored paints, so we do multiple passes to ensure every bit of the panel was covered. Wiping off was a breeze. This is a big sedan, we coated the whole car (paint and vinyl) and did two coats on the front end, and still had some leftover. Since application, bugs left after a day slide off with just water.

  5. Marcos B says:

    My newly delivered 13 Plum Crazy Pearl Superbee will get the 22ple Pro coating next weekend, should be a breeze on a new car.

  6. Nice review Marcos, and glad you liked using 22PLE. The ease of use is one of the biggest selling points for the product line, and the insane gloss is icing on the cake. And your eyes weren’t deceiving you…it DID look better after a few days. 22PLE looks great when applied, but looks better after a few days. The biggest changes occur within the first 24 hours, but the substance actually continues to cure for about 5 days. As for the question on amounts used, most people will end up using too much product, particularly in their first few applications. We typically only use about 10-12ml per average sized car!

    Enjoy, and thank you again for the nice review.

    Best regards,
    Todd Cooperider
    Esoteric Auto Detail

  7. Lou says:

    After waiting the full cure time can another coat of 22ple be applied ?

  8. Great review Marcos!

  9. James Mendenhall says:

    Great review! I just tried the 22ple for wheels and am extremely impressed by how easy it went on and the shine. I am eager to see how well it sheds brake dust and tar.

    I am curious, does 22ple offer any UV protection for the paint? I would like to use it on a single-stage red car, but I really want UV protection to stop the fading that so easily occurs on red single-stage paint.

    Has anyone used the 22ple for trim? Does it rejuvenate the trim well, or just add a protective layer?

    Thank you!

  10. KK says:

    I applied the 22ple to my car and it looks great. My question is can I apply a wax or polymer sealant on top of it to further protect and make the coating last longer? Or how about using Optimum opticoat 2.0 to seal the 22ple since the opticoat is permanent?

    • Reece @ DI says:

      You can apply a sealant, wax, or both to the top of the 22ple. It will help extend the life of the coating, however you will not have the same amount of durability with the sealant or wax as if it was applied to the paint. As for the Optimum Opti-Coat I would not recommend apply it. It simply will not cure correctly on top of the 22ple.

  11. Mark Stone says:

    I used 22ple on a customer’s black Mercedes S430. I was a little nervous about the application, but I followed the directions very carefully after buffing and IPA wipedown. After the initial cure time the finish was awesome. I took the car out of the shop the next day to let the sunlight hit it and the paint just gleamed – had to take pictures. When the customer came to pick up S430 he could not believe it himself. Mind you that was about a month ago after the full cure and today he is still grinning from ear-to-ear. The brilliance 22ple brings to he finish is excellent – great product! I will certainly add it to my menu.

  12. Mark Stone says:

    I forgot to mention that this article by Marcos lead me to try 22ple. I saw what a great job Marcos had in applying 22ple and his results – great job!!

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