Aquatek Clarity Initial Reaction – A Quality Glass Coating
by Rodney TatumAquatek Clarity is my new favorite Glass Coating from a standpoint of functionality. My preference for this product is not for the reasons you may suspect. My evaluation of this coating is based upon an understanding that for windows we may not have the same expectation of performance or interest in putting the effort in for a long-lasting product. I had one major concern and one significant hope prior to testing Aquatek Clarity.
Both boxes were checked. Clarity does not necessarily win best in class for performance and durability. It is listed on the Detailed Image website, as a 6-month coating. Although it is possible and certainly on non-windshield surfaces to last longer. But it is realistic to mention you will see visible performance degradation in hydrophobic behavior before that time.
To be fair in the evaluation of a ceramic coating, I want to describe what professionals in the industry call the ‘effective life’ of a coating. Often when a representative of a company mentions the durability of a ceramic coating, veterans in the industry ask whether it is the ‘effective life’ or (in general) life of a coating listed? The ‘effective life’ essentially means if the coating is still working for you, regardless of whether a trace amount of coating remains on the surface. One of the metrics that many of us are familiar with is water beading behavior. Is the coating hydrophobic on its own after being thoroughly cleaned of contamination? With this coating, long after the hydrophobic behavior dropped off, I noticed the glass surface was noticeably still easier to clean. An easier to clean glass surface would be a major victory for most people!
I also love the user experience with Aquatek Clarity. It may not be the only window coating I use, as there may be some more durable options. But considering its very forgiving application process and no wiper chatter, I will often reach for this product and recommend it to others. After two months of testing on my personal vehicle, even with the necessary use of wiper blades, there are signs that there is a real ceramic coating on the windshield. You can also extend the life of this product and restore some hydrophobic behavior with monthly applications of Aquatek Synth. You can also, after washing the car, clay and reapply this coating to the surface.
In conclusion, although a much more in-depth thorough process of evaluation involving years is really needed to more scientifically compare these products, I can draw some early conclusions. Honestly for window ceramic coatings, there are going to be some that last longer. For ease of use and experience driving with this window protection, it provided the best user experience all around for a product of this caliber (an actual window coating).
Gracias por la información, pregunto a que velocidad del auto comienza a salir las gotas de agua del parabrisas delantero?
Bendiciones! 🇵🇷💚🇺🇸