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Glass Protection: Is It Worth It?


I had a conversation with someone about ceramic coating windows, who did not see the value in it.  This (below) came off someone’s automotive glass with the use of automotive detailing clay.


Just like with cleaning your painted surfaces, over time stronger cleaners and polishes may be needed to remove bonded contamination and chemical staining.  This is where the case for glass protection begins.  Aside from the aesthetics of water flying off in the rain there are 3 key benefits of window protection.


Ease Of Cleaning

After applying a ceramic coating or even a high-quality sealant, you notice how much easier it is to wash your car.  Protecting your windows with a sealant or coating will yield similar benefits.


The ease of cleaning leads to more often driving with a high clarity windshield.  Long trips, driving in unpredictably bad conditions, exacerbates the significance of having a high-quality window sealant or coating.  Driving at higher speeds where water is bouncing off of your windshield, also means you do not have to be subject to the distraction of rapidly moving wiper blades.

Financial Benefits

The money saved on wiper blades!  Depending on the amount of use and quality of your wiper blades, it is recommended that you replace them at least every year to as often as every 3 months.  Imagine driving on the highway, not using them, how much their life is extended.  In that respect, there is a direct return on investment.

Gyeon-View Product Display

Ceramic Coating glass, although a little more challenging form of protection to apply, provides some added protection against chemical staining.  These products will also hold up for longer periods of time.

Suggested Products

Ranging from easy to challenging in application:

  • EasyOptimum Opti-Glass Clean & Protect – I list Optimum Opti-Glass here as an easy option as a result of it being a single step process.  You have an all in one type of glass cleaner.  A product that is as simple to use as a glass cleaner while leaving something behind, is not likely going to leave behind great durable protection.  But in favor of efficiency and simplicity of application, something is better than nothing.
  • Intermediate22PLE VG1 Perfect Vision Window Coat – VG1 is a more dedicated type of coating product.  Although I have not used this particular product, it has been praised in many reviews for having a somewhat straightforward application process once the surface is cleaned properly. For an in-depth review, check out this article from Zach McGovern here.
  • ChallengingGyeon View – I have a good working experience with Gyeon View.  The durability even for window coatings is going to be very good.  I list this as a more challenging option as a result of the application process.  As in most things detailing, the more intention required for prep and application the more reliable and durable the protection.  Once the glass is initially cleaned the Gyeon View comes as a two-part process.  Cleanse, the first part, is a final prep product that prepares the glass for the coating (Repel).  Cleanse is worked in small sections like a cleaner polish and required a small window to set prior to removal (like a sealant or coating).  This dedicated product primes the glass for Repel, the coating.  Rewarding, but a lot of work!
Rodney Tatum
Mirror Reflections Auto Spa
Gainesville, Florida
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4 comments on Glass Protection: Is It Worth It?

  1. Jason says:

    How does Gyeon View hold up against G Techniq’s G1? Sounds like they have a similar application process

    • Rodney Tatum says:

      Although I am not personally familiar with G1, my gut tells me the two products are somewhat comparable in performance.

      • Rodney Tatum says:

        Although I am not personally familiar with G1, my gut tells me the two products are somewhat comparable in performance.

  2. Mike says:

    I have used G1 on my Lexus es350 and wife’s is250. I will say View is easier to apply, lasts longer and no chatter when it wears off over time. I bought both since they seem like the same outcome.

    Living in the northeast, helps with sleet, freezing rain etc

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