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Product Review: 22ple VG1 Perfect Vision Window Coat


22ple is most known for their glass coating options for paint, trim, and metal surfaces.  I am happy to introduce a new product that is specifically designed to be used on windows – this is 22ple VG1 Perfect Vision.

ATD | 22ple VG1

Photo: 22ple VG1 shown with the 22ple Applicator Pad.

According to the manufacturer, when VG1 is applied to your windows you will experience exceptional water repelling properties that will enhance your vision when traveling in rainy conditions.  Perfect Vision is not a silicone based product, so it should not cause your wipers to squeak or skip during operation.  22ple states that each application of VG1 can last up to 6 months, or 25,000 km (roughly 15,500 miles) and will make routine cleaning of your glass much easier.  I have only had this product for a short period of time, so I will not comment on any real world durability at this point in time, but I will be sure to update this thread in the comments section with my findings as time goes on.

ATD | 22ple VG1

Photo: 22ple VG1 being misted onto the applicator pad.

Applying Perfect Vision is quite simple.  First, ensure your glass is completely clean by removing all dirt and contamination.  You may also choose to polish your window before application.  22ple recommends wiping the glass down with 70% IPA to ensure that all dirt and oils have been removed.

Once you are certain the glass is nice and clean, simply mist a small amount of VG1 onto the 22ple applicator and apply the product to the glass in straight line motions.  I started with horizontal strokes followed by vertical strokes (cross hatch pattern) to ensure even coverage.  I worked in small sections, and would apply more product to the applicator as needed until the area had been covered.

ATD | 22ple VG1

Photo: 22ple VG1 hazing on the surface during application.

22ple states that VG1 can be left on the surface for up to 2 minutes before removing, however like all coatings, this will most likely vary with your ambient conditions.  I wiped the excess coating away with an all purpose microfiber towel, as I found the shorter nap made for easier removal.  I had a couple of stubborn spots, but I found that reapplying VG1 over these areas and then immediately removing it made the stubborn spots easier to remove.  It is recommended to keep your window dry for a minimum of one hour after application.

This product proved to be relatively quick and easy to use, and very little product was needed to cover the entire windshield.  You would most certainly be able to cover all of the glass on multiple vehicles with this one 115mL bottle.  I am pleased to see 22ple working on expanding their product line, and am excited to see how this window coating holds up to the elements.  Keep an eye on the comments section for my updates, and be sure to leave any questions if you have them.

Zach McGovern
Attention To Detailing Peoria
Peoria, IL

8 comments on Product Review: 22ple VG1 Perfect Vision Window Coat

  1. Ivan G says:

    Im very excited to test this new product and as all 22ple line it should work perfect!

    please keep us updated!

    cheers from Mexico

  2. Steve K. says:

    Hi Zach,

    Thanks for the review. Do you have a glass polish you prefer, if any?

    • Hi Steve, If you’re simply looking to clean the glass prior to protecting it, any typical polish will work. If you’re hoping to remove some light defects, you will need CarPro Ceriglass and a special glass polishing pad. Hope that helps.

  3. Max says:

    Update? I’m interested in this, I always wished there was a better alternative to RainX. I would like to know how long it lasts considering the price.

  4. I’ve continued to test VG1 against other glass coatings, and it has continued to impress me with it’s water repelling abilities. The 115 mL bottle is lasting a very long time, and overall this is a great “bang for your buck” product.

  5. VICTOR LARA says:

    How many coats of the coating did you apply?

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