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Initial Impressions: Buff and Shine Uro-Fiber and Uro-Fiber Finisher Pads


Unless you’ve been living under a rock for many years, it is highly likely that you are familiar with microfiber pads.  I believe Meguiar’s released their microfiber correction system around 2011 at which point I had never seen or heard of anything quite like it.  They reminded me somewhat of the surbuf pads if you recall those, but the microfiber system was an altogether different approach that really helped to bridge the gap between dual action machines and rotary machines.  Microfiber pads have been a staple in my workflow, and while there are many other brands that make their own version of microfiber pad, I had always found myself sticking with the Meguiar’s products.  When the guys at Detailed Image reached out to me to see if I wanted to try the Buff and Shine Uro-Fiber pads, I was more or less expecting to see nothing different from the other pads on the market, however I am always interested in experimenting so I agreed to spend some time with them and share my thoughts.


There are two different microfiber pads within the Buff and Shine Uro-Fiber line up; The Uro-Fiber Pad and the Uro-Fiber Finisher Pad.  First, the Uro-Fiber pad is quite unique relative to other microfiber pad offerings on the market.  The black and white fiber mixture is not just aesthetically pleasing, the different colored fibers indicate two different types of microfiber being used on the same pad face.  Cutting fibers and polishing fibers are blended together which, in theory, will enable the user to achieve great cutting power and also outstanding finishing ability with the same pad.  These fibers have a 25% lower pile height compared to the market standard, which I have been told enhances both the cutting and finishing results.  The Uro-Fiber pad was made for dual action machines and can be used on all types such as short throw, long throw, and gear driven machines.  The manufacturer claims the foam interface that is sandwiched between the hook & loop backing and the pad face is exceptionally durable.  The pads are available in sizes ranging from one-inch to six-inch diameter.

The Uro-Fiber Finisher pad was created for additional refinement when optimal levels of clarity may not be been attainable with the original Uro-Fiber pad.  The Finisher incorporates a more traditional fiber pile height but is still a lower profile design.  Similar to the Meguiar’s microfiber correction system, The Uro-Fiber and Uro-Fiber Finisher can be used as a part of a two-step approach to cutting and polishing when paired with your favorite compound and polish.

ZRM | Uro-Fiber

I really like the fact that the pads have a centering hole.  This takes all of the guesswork out of positioning your pad and eliminates wobbling that is caused by having a slightly uncentered pad.  The five-inch Uro-Fiber pad was a precise fit, leaving very little excess pad overhanging my five-inch backing plate.  Before using the Uro-Fiber pad, I applied a cutting compound to the face and distributed it among the fibers by working it in with my hand.  I then applied a few dots of one of my all-time favorite compounds, Meguiar’s M100, and made a few overlapping passes on my test panel.

ZRM | Uro-Fiber

The paint on this vehicle is quite hard, and the defects are a product of years of tunnel car washes.  The scratches and swirl marks were easily visible, even on this highly metallic charcoal colored paint that can be a real challenge to photograph.

ZRM | Uro-Fiber

I made four passes in total, moving in side-to-side then up-and-down motions to ensure even and consistent results throughout my working area.  The end result exceeded my expectation.  The test spot was nearly flawless.  I had done an adjacent area with another brand of microfiber pad just before this, and there were still quite a few deeper defects remaining.  I had not expected the Buff and Shine to produce such superior results, but it certainly seemed to cut quicker.

ZRM | Uro-Fiber

A very noticeable improvement compared to the uncorrected panel not just in clarity, but in color as well.

ZRM | Uro-Fiber

Due to the harder paint, I was not expecting to see any significant marring or haze based on past experiences with similar surfaces. My hunch was correct. Despite the cutting ability of the pad and compound combination, the finish was exceptional.


I am happy to say that my initial impressions of the Uro-Fiber pad are outstanding. I am excited to purchase more of these in all sizes to replace my existing microfiber pad collection as they wear out.  At this time I have not done any testing with the Uro-Fiber Finisher, so I cannot weigh in on its abilities at this time.

Zach McGovern
Attention To Detailing Peoria
Peoria, IL

7 comments on Initial Impressions: Buff and Shine Uro-Fiber and Uro-Fiber Finisher Pads

  1. Art says:

    Buff &Shine
    What is your professional difference between using uro-tec pads vs. Uro-fiber pads?

    • The Uro-Tec line is an open-cell foam pad product line that is comprised of four different pads ranging from coarse foam for cutting to fine foam for finishing. The Uro-Fiber line is made up of just two pads, both a microfiber type pad. One is a more aggressive pad that is great for heavy cutting to medium polishing, and depending on your specific situation may finish down without any haze. The other is a gentler microfiber that can be used for final polishing in lieu of foam pads. Since paint correction is very dependent on your specific needs (paint type, defect type, the severity of defects, reaction to correction attempts, etc.) there is no one-size-fits-all product line. So, while the Uro-Tec and Uro-Fiber may have some overlap in that each offer cutting and polishing options, in certain situations you may find that one type of pad may produce better results than another. It is never a bad idea to have a variety of pads on hand (wool, microfiber, and foam). Hope that helps 🙂

  2. Alex says:

    Zach, Excellent review as always, how can you classify this versus the BOSS microfiber pad? Which of both has more cut. Have you tried BOSS MF Pad with M100? Thank you in advance for your answer

    • Hi Alex – I do not have any BOSS microfiber to compare it to directly so I cannot take any guesses. Unfortunately all of my BOSS microfibers had failed/fallen apart and although I liked their results I simply could not continue buying them as they did not last nearly as long as others. I had used M100 on the BOSS microfiber pads in the past with good results.

  3. Vince Hughes says:

    Excellent review. Would you take these pads over the lake country thin wool pads. Looking to buy, not sure which ones, an expert opinion would help.

  4. David says:

    what do you use to clean the uro – fiber pads?

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