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Projects l Porsche 918 Spyder l Paint Protection Film (Part 2)


This is the second part of a four-part article series by James Melfi of Auto Nuvo. In this series, James takes a beautiful jet black Porsche 918 Spyder and performs various detailing steps. Everything from inspection, washing, drying, polishing and even clear bra installation will be covered! To view all of the articles in this series click here.

Once the vehicle was fully corrected, we brought it outside and rewashed the car removing any polishing dust buildup. We then wiped the paintwork twice with IPA, preparing the surface for the paint protection film installation. We wanted to ensure there wasn’t any contamination on the paint prior to laying down the film.

The plan was to cover every exterior panel as well as the carbon fiber door sills. Our top coated, 7 mills thick paint protection film adds rock chip and scratch resistance, and protects the super soft paint from etchings and wash induced marring. Since the paint was so soft, wrapping the entire vehicle will allow the finish to stay in much better condition without the worry of marring during each wash. We tucked and wrapped all the edges for a much better overall appearance.

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In part 3, James will apply a ceramic coating and share some awesome final photos

James Melfi
Holliston, MA
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11 comments on Projects l Porsche 918 Spyder l Paint Protection Film (Part 2)

  1. Zach says:

    How many hours do you expect to have invested in the vehicle start to finish?

    This is so awesome. What a pleasure to work on I’m sure.

  2. William Yelton says:

    Ton of protection


    • Brian says:

      Overkill? Most likey, yes. But then again, so is a twin turbo V8 hybrid engine with more horsepower than you know what to do with. I don’t think that’s the intention of this project. A lot of supercars are built and sold as a loss for the manufacturer, yet they do so to prove an engineering feat. I think James appreciates the challenge and this is really a pinnacle demonstration of modern detailing. He chose the perfect canvas for his demonstration. He could have just used a sealant, sure. But the dedication and effort that he put in is what detailing is all about. For some people, it’s more than just adding protection to paint. It’s about having passion for your work and wanting to do the absolute best job possible.

  3. William Yelton says:

    Sweet…..I see there is No Overkill based on that.

  4. james melfi says:

    This was definitely a project taking paint protection to the next level. This vehicle was going to be tracked and with that in mind we wanted to preserve the paintwork to our best ability. Wrapping the entire vehicle in paint protection film allowed the finish to be much more scratch and rock chip resistant. This jet black paint was by far the softest paint I had worked on in a long time. Topping the film with a coating only aids in making the paint much easier to clean which was a big advantage for the client. At the end of the day it was a real pleasure working on this one.

  5. Alex says:

    The car looks great James! What film did you use for this project?

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