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Product Review & Application: 22ple VX Pro2


Years ago, 22ple VX Pro was the first coating product I had ever used.  I had it on my personal vehicle for over 2 years and when I decided it was time to apply something new, the car still looked stunning, so naturally I was very interested in the newly formulated 22ple VX Pro2 when it was released earlier this year.

According to the manufacturer, VX Pro2 features a stronger chemical bond, better UV protection, improvement in gloss, and a longer lasting layer of protecting compared to the original VX Pro… which was no slouch to begin with.  VX Pro2 is packed with a new generation of silica known as Ultra High Molecular Weight (UHMW) Silica which is described as “silica on steroids”.  22ple used their professional coating, Mistico Elemento, as the inspiration and spared no expense when developing VX Pro2.

One of my favorite characteristics of all 22ple glass coatings is their ease of use.  I was hoping that VX Pro2 would uphold that tradition.  My test subject for this particular write up was this beautiful 2008 ultra sonic blue Lexus IS-F which was recently acquired by the current owner.

Before I began the coating installation on this vehicle, the paint was thoroughly cleaned and many hours were spent correcting the paint so that we had a nearly defect free surface.  The vehicle was then wiped down with a 50% isopropyl alcohol solution to ensure any residual polishing oils were removed.

Using a CarPro applicator block and suede applicator cloth, I applied the 22ple VX Pro2 in straight lines until the entire panel was covered.

ATD | 22ple VX Pro2

After approximately 8-9 minutes, the coating was removed with a clean large suede towel to level the majority of the excess product, followed by a brand new microfiber towel to clean up the remaining traces of coating (note:  the dwell time will vary depending on ambient temperatures and humidity, so always test how the coating will react in your particular situation).  I’ve always found this 2 towel method to be most efficient when removing these coatings.  As expected, the coating was very easy to wipe away.  The panel was crystal clear and highly reflective.

ATD | 22ple VX Pro2

I continued to work my way around the vehicle until the entire car had been coated.  Once I was confident in how the coating was behaving in this environment, I was able to work on several panels at a time by staggering my application and removal.  This greatly sped up the process, and I was finished coating the entire vehicle in about an hour.

The car looked absolutely stunning afterwards.  It was left in the owner’s garage for safe keeping over night while the coating continued to cure.  Remember, unless you are baking the coating with infrared lights, it should be allowed to cure in a sheltered area for 8-12 hours before it is exposed to the elements.  After this initial curing time, the car can be driven as normal, but the coating will not reach its fully cured state for approximately 5 days after application.  If you wish to apply a 2nd coat of VX Pro2, wait at least 12 hours between coats (24 hours is recommended).

ATD | 22ple VX Pro2

I have been testing 22ple VX Pro2 on a portion of my personal car for many months now and have been extremely satisfied with its performance to this point.  An enhancement of the already impressive VX Pro should provide many years of great gloss and protection.  If topped with 22ple VS1 Final Coat, you’ll take it to another level entirely.  This is another great product from the 22ple brand, and I am looking forward to seeing what else they are working on!

Zach McGovern
Attention To Detailing Peoria
Peoria, IL

32 comments on Product Review & Application: 22ple VX Pro2

  1. Terry Kendrick says:

    Zach, great review. I’ve been waiting for someone to review this product.

    Would you put two coats on your own vehicle? Is 30mls enough for two coats?


    • 30 mL should be enough for 2 coats on a mid-sized sedan for someone who has done it before… if it is your first time, it is pretty common to over apply the product.

      I personally only do 1 coat on my car, but if you’ve got time, go for two!

  2. Steve K says:

    Good golly Zach…

    That car looks like it has a hard candy shell on it! This is the coating that hazes like a wax letting you know it’s ready for removal?

    Thanks for the review.

  3. Joe m says:

    Love the car! Maybe I’ll try this if I decide to do my own coating when my opticoat degrades!

  4. Steven K says:

    Zach, another great review. Just a quick question, you mentioned 22ple Vs1 Final coat. Do you recommend using the final coat after 22ple VX Pro2 and why?

    • Thanks – VS1 is a spray sealant that can be used on top of a coating or as a stand alone product. When used on top of a coating, it will add additional protection to maximize the life of your coating and also enhance water beading and gloss as these properties may begin to fade over time. VS1 can be applied as frequently (say after each wash) or infrequently as you’d like. Let me know if you’ve got any other questions.

  5. Angel Ricado says:

    Sorry may sound like a dumb question but whatbis the difference between haze and flash, if you can describe it in terms of ho our eyes can catch it. I’ve been around waxes for a long time and I know what a haze is and what to look for. What do i look for in a flash. In my head in thinking it will be this flash on the car and it will float in mid air everything will be great. Lol but back to reality what will it be?

    • If you see my article on 22ple HPC, you will notice that as the coating flashes, it leaves a hazy finish which some people can relate to how a wax looks as it dries. 22ple HPC is the only coating in the line up that leaves this hazy appearance that indicates it is time for the coating to be wiped away. Flashing in general just refers to the process of carrier fluids evaporating and leaving the coating behind. Hope that helps.

  6. Felix Marrero says:

    Hello and thanks for the great information! Just to clarify do you apply VS1 right after the glass coating and if so how soon for additional protection or only as a mateinace product?

    Thanks for the help!


  7. Gabriel says:

    Do you only apply out of one bottle vs other coatings that have two bottles.
    One for the base hardness and the other that go’s on top for the hydrophobic affect.
    I’m looking for a product that has both in a bottle so that I don’t have to wait 24 hours before applying the hydrophobic one.

    • Hi Gabriel – you will find that MOST coatings are a single application. Very few products have a multi-product coating system.

      All 22ple Products are one application products which, when cured, produces a hydrophobic layer of silica on the surface of your vehicle.

  8. Dave T says:

    Well I’ve decided to go ahead and try VX Pro 2 over essence, unless any of y’all have tried this and had problems. The Essence has been curing on the car for about 4 hours in 100 degree plus temperatures (by the time it cools off enough for me to do the coating). The plan is a very light wipe down with a 15-20% IPA solution, although it shouldn’t be needed. Then go ahead with the coating.

    • I’ve done quite a bit of testing with 22ple products over Essence and have had no issues as long as Essence was used properly and fully worked/broken down with machine polishing. There have been reports of possible issues when too much Essence is used, leaving more residue, or when it is not fully worked throughout the polishing process. In any case, if you plan to do an IPA wipe down, you should be just fine.

  9. Bryan says:

    Hey Zach,
    Been catching up on your 22ple reviews – thanks for all the great info. Extremely helpful especially for a novice. I did have a couple questions I hope you can help on. FYI, I’m planning to work by panel due to lack of shade
    – For application you use suded microfiber over a foam applicator in lieu of the 22ple blocks, right? Is that any easier/harder to keep a light even coat?
    – I know the 22ple blocks have to get tossed once used, if you’re using the microfiber, you toss the microfiber but the backing foam is OK to re-use, right?
    Thanks again for all your help, all you guys at DI have really added to my education on all this!

    • Hey Brian – happy to help!

      – I find the CarPro Block and Suede applicator to be the easiest, most efficient applicator for every coating I have tried. It spreads a nice even layer and is easier to hold and use than the 22ple block in my opinion. I also feel the suede is safer than the felt like material on the 22ple applicator.

      – Yes, you toss the small micro suede applicator, but the backing foam is just fine. You can use the same block over and over, but with a new suede each time.

      Let me know if you need anything else!

      • Bryan says:

        Thanks for such a quick answer! I actually forgot one thing – how safe is P21S TAW on the silica coatings/VS1? I’m expecting to use it pretty strong – 1:2 to undiluted for bugs/birds/sap. I did see TarX is OK but I have a good amount of P21s.

        • Coatings are very chemical resistant. I would not expect any automotive chemical to remove the coating, but you may find that it alters the hydrophobic properties. Strong cleaners, and even just shampoo, will effect the surface tension of the coating and can create permanent changes that result in a lack of water beading/sheeting. This does NOT mean the coating is gone… just means the surface tension has been changed. Apply a coating topper to restore hydrophobic properties temporarily if this happens.

  10. Bill says:

    Hi Zach,
    Thanks for such a informative review. I’m looking at applying some VX Pro2 and have a couple of questions I was hoping you could fill me in on.
    1. When applying the product does the temperature matter. I would more than likely be applying at around 10-12 degrees Celsius, if this is too cold can you warm up the panel with a heater?
    2. If I wanted to do two coats of the product what would be the minimum time before applying the second coat and what would be the maximum time before you would apply the second coat.

    • Hi Bill – temperature and humidity certainly do matter when applying any coating. It will effect the way the coating flashes during application and how it cures after application. 10C is about the coldest I would say you should consider applying the coating, anything lower is too cold. I would recommend above 16C if possible. I also would not warm up the panel with a heater as this could lead to inconsistencies that will be hard to adapt to while you’re applying the coating. If you can heat the entire room you will be working in to a more suitable temperature and leave the car inside long enough to warm up to that temp, then that is preferred.

      A second coat can be applied after 12 hours, but it is recommended to wait a full 24 hours if possible. Given your cooler environment, I would strongly suggest 24+ hours between coats.

      Let me know if you have any other questions!

  11. Jake says:


    Thanks for all of your articles, comment responses, and willingness to help others.

    I plan on applying 22ple VX Pro2 to my black Lexus IS250. How does the 22ple VS1 Final Coat compare to something like Meguiar’s Synthetic X-Press Spray Wax D156? Should the D156 be used instead of or on top of VS1 Final Coat? Or, is there no need for D156 if I’ve used VS1 after the VX Pro2 coating has a been applied?

    Thanks again

    • VS1 and D156 serve completely different purposes to me… VS1 is a silica based sealant that is designed to work both as a compliment to an existing coating, or as a stand alone sealant. On its own, VS1 will lasts several months, based on personal testing with my own vehicles. D156 is a spray detailer that has some synthetic polymers in it which can provide some short term protection and gloss. I like to use D156 as a drying aid to add lubrication while drying. It is extremely easy to use, and therefore adds no time to the washing & drying process for me. VS1 is something you can choose to use frequently due to the minimal time required to apply it, or I prefer to use it every 1-3 months for added protection on top of our coated vehicles.

  12. Bill Rod says:

    Hi Zach
    My engine bay is painted in PPG jet black with PPG semi gloss clear on top
    The problem I have is that it marks very easily. I have decided to resort it again with the same PPG PRODUCTS and was wondering if
    1. How long after it is sprayed do I have to wait to glass coat the engine bay
    2. If I glass coat the paint will it cure to protect it from marking easily
    3 can you reapply the glass coat let’s say on a yearly basis to protect the paint or do you have to take off the old glass because it would repell itself

    • Hi Bill

      1 – Consult with the paint manufacturer on their recommendations for amount of time before sealing the paint. Typically this is 30-90 days.
      2 – No, the paint will still show scratches and marks. The added hardness of the glass coat is negligible.
      3 – Yes, assuming the surface is entirely clean and free of any residual contaminants, you can reapply the coating. The best practice is to clean, decontaminate, and polish the surface. Then wipe with an alcohol solution. Then recoat.

      Let me know if you have any other questions

  13. Jake says:


    About how often should I polish my car after apply the VX Pro2 coating?


  14. Will says:

    Hi Zach,
    I just purchased some VX Pro V2 and was wondering if an IPA wipe down is required after using Chemical Guys E Z Creme Glaze?
    Thank you,

    • Hi Will – please DO NOT use any coating over EZ Creme Glaze, or any other glaze for that matter.

      Paint coatings rely on a completely clean and bare surface that is free of any dirt, oil, wax, glaze, etc. The only exception is if you use a silica based primer polish like CarPro Essence.

      If you have used EZ Creme glaze on your car, proceed with a deep cleaning wash, decontamination, and then machine polish the car. If no correction is needed, then just perform a very light polish to ensure residual products have been removed from the paint. After polishing, wipe down with 50% IPA solution to remove any polishing oils. Then apply your paint coating. If the paint is not properly prepped, your paint coating may not perform as expected.

      Please let me know if you have any questions.

  15. nicolas stanich says:

    Zach, tienes una reseña sobre 22ple LA REVOLUZIONE?

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