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Product Review: CarPro Cquartz UK Edition


There are many excellent paint coating products that are currently available to consumers.  CarPro’s Cquartz products have become one of the more recognizable names in the coating industry, and Cquartz UK is an excellent choice for the consumer market.

The Cquartz UK Edition (aka CQUK) is a specially formulated version of the popular Cquartz Ceramic Quartz Paint Protection. This edition is based on the same technology as the regular Cquartz, however it has a few slight improvements for cold temperature application, and specially for the UK while it works great anywhere. CQUK has 70% SiO2 with 99.9% purity, making it the first ever nano silica coating which has such concentration! This high purity percentage ensures having the most transparent glass coating over the surface, high levels of water repellency and long lasting paint protection from dirt, road salt, ice, snow, and other environmental contamination. This coating is extremely easy to use in any temperature, from 41 to 86 degrees and no matter how cold, hot or humid the application is exactly the same.

ATD | CQuartz UK

I was originally drawn to this coating because I live in the Midwest and we see temperature swings from subzero Winters to extremely hot and humid Summers.  This variance can make it very difficult to find detailing products, especially paint coatings, that are capable of adapting to these conditions.  So far I have applied UK in temperatures ranging from the mid 40’s to the mid 80’s and was impressed with application.

ATD | CQuartz UK

Photo:  Cquartz UK was applied to the left portion of this panel and is ready to be wiped away.

Cquartz UK is fairly easy to apply after you get the hang of it, and leaves an incredible shine on a nicely polished surface.  This coating also adds a noticeable “richness” to the paint.  It seems to make black even blacker, red even redder, and so on.  If you apply UK to half of a panel, you will see this subtle difference that I am talking about if you inspect it carefully in proper lighting.

ATD | CQuartz UK

Photo: This Scion FR-S was corrected and coated with Cquartz UK.  The gloss was nothing short of intense.

Another fantastic benefit of this coating, that is sure to be well received by the consumer market, is its price.  In a market that is now flooded with various coating options, this product is priced very competitively!  I often refer to it as the absolute best “bang for your buck” coating.  It offers extremely good performance in terms of protection, durability, and appearance, and is one of the least expensive options available.  You simply can’t beat that!

If you’re seeking a great means of protection while also enhancing gloss and making routine maintenance even easier, Cquartz UK is a great option.  You can also take a look at the complete application guide for this product by clicking here.

Zach McGovern
Attention To Detailing Peoria
Peoria, IL

57 comments on Product Review: CarPro Cquartz UK Edition

  1. David says:

    Zach, What is the difference between UK and “regular” CQuartz?

    Looking forward to your application article!

    • David, CQUK is based on the same technology used in the original CQuartz, however the most notable difference that I am aware of is that CQUK formula contains 70% SiO2 with 99.9% purity. This high silica content leads to a clearer, harder, and better protecting coating overall.

      • Note: Cquartz Classic has been updated to a new and improved formula. Both CQuartz UK and CQuartz offer incredible protection and gloss! If you’re in warmer climates, CQuartz Classic will offer much easier application! CQuartz UK is formulated for use in cooler climates.

  2. felix says:

    how does this hold up on soft black paint most coatings including car pro claim that it will be more scratch resistant not that i plan on doing any of the tests iv seen on youtube but in the past iv been very cautious when doing a maintinance wash i would always end up with marring and swirls i would normally use 2 bucket method grit guards with more than one wash mit to make it a bit faster and dry with a waffel weave drying towel i now own a master blaster power washer and foam cannon so i know that will also help but im a bit skeptical as to how it will hold up during my regualr washes i also have opti coat and cquk i think cquk will provide me with the best gloss and shine and opti coat will give better protection cant wait till the next article comes hopefully before i apply it to my car the kit i own only comes with one large micro suede towel there is no way that one towel will be enough to wipe off

    • Hey Felix, it is important to realize that these claims of scratch resistance are simply based on the fact that the coating will cure to a higher surface hardness than most clear coats will. This increased hardness means there will be some resistance to light scratches and marring, however it is by no means a ‘bulletproof’ material. Unfortunately soft black paint is never going to be easy to maintain, but these coatings certainly help.

      Regarding OC2.0 vs CQUK, both are great products. I personally prefer CQUK as the gloss is incredible. Both will provide amazing protection.

      Application of CQUK is definitely a bit more challenging compared to OC2.0, but you simply have to take your time and you will be fine.


  3. John says:

    I didn’t like the way CQUK darkened my red jewel tint coat 2011 Camaro….it really altered the original look which I paid extra for as an option that year. I don’t care for any LSP that alters the original look of my paint. I polished it all off, and used another coating product that did not alter the look.

    For most users altering the look is actually a plus…but it sure wasn’t on my paint.

  4. James Mendenhall says:

    Great article. Have you experienced any streaking with CQUK? I have previously used 22ple with good results, but on my first attempt at CQUK, I got some streaking that hasn’t gone away even after 5 days. I was working in an airconditioned garage, with temperatures right around 74 although somewhat higher humidity (60%) than many areas would have. I found the product was just smearing as I tried to level it, and I played with different wait times. It seemed like 5 minutes was barely enough as the product wasn’t flashing yet. Have you found it to be very temperature or humidity dependent, or are you just sticking to wiping the panel down as soon as you finish it?

    • Hey James,
      CQUK can seem somewhat tricky to apply. Streaking/smearing is the main issue people mention. In my experience this is typically due to one of the following things… 1) The suede applicator cloth and/or the larger suede towel was not being flipped/changed frequently enough. 2) The product was being applied with slow arm movement. 3) The product was allowed to sit on the surface for too long.

      It seems like #1 and #3 are the most common causes of this issue. In most scenarios, it seems like CQUK is essentially a wipe on, wipe off product that does not need to sit on the surface unless it is particularly cool (say below 55 degrees) out. The product should be applied to one small panel at a time, and larger panels should be broken up into multiple sections. I typically flip my suede applicator cloth over after 1-2 small panels/sections and therefore replace the applicator cloth after 2-4 small panels/sections.

      Hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any more questions.

  5. Greg C says:

    Some coatings require a 3 towel removal method. The first towel removes excess product. Second towel levels the coating. Third towel buffs coating to a gloss.
    Does CQUK require the 3 towel removal method?

    • Hey Greg. I have used 1 towel or 2 towels when removing UK… I do prefer 2 towels. First I wipe with the supplied large suede microfiber, then I go over the area again with a new towel that is around 300 gsm with medium to short nap. I don’t see why a 3rd towel couldn’t be used if you wished, but not sure it is completely necessary. Hope that helps!

  6. Chachi says:

    Hi Zach: I just had XPel Ultimate applied to my entire car. I was thinking about sealing with CQuartz Finest, but several detailers have suggested it would be a waste of money. I’m most interested in a high gloss look and the ability to better repel dirt, salt, etc. What are your thoughts on applying Finest on top of XPel, or would CQUK be a reasonable (more affordable) alternative? Would the application process change if applied on top of the film? What are the benefits?

    • Hi… I would simply use a product like CarPro Reload on top of your film. This is a spray sealant that will provide a high gloss finish while also beading water and repelling dirt better than the bare film. This can easily be applied every few months (or more frequently if you wish) after washing… just spray on, wipe off.

  7. Greg C says:

    What is the recommendation on multiple layers of CQUK?
    Will doing so added more protection for the CC?

    How much time would be needed between coats?

    • Greg – I personally do not do multiple layers of CQUK. I have heard it can be a little finicky to work with, however I don’t have any experience with layering it myself. The benefit is added thickness, however 1 coat certainly offers a great deal of protection on its own. I believe CarPro recommends 1 hr in between coats. I would check with them for more specifics.

      • Brian says:

        When I spoke with Car Pro they told me one is not enough to last. It is like a wax at one coat but with two coats are what is required and it should give you all the protection and benefits it was designed for.

        • This is not correct. I’ve tested the performance of just one coat, and it was excellent for the 12 months I tested it. Who did you speak to at CarPro that suggested CQUK was similar to a wax?

          Here is the info for CQuartz UK per the CarPro US website:

          Durability: 2 years or more
          Average Thickness: 1~2 Micron per coat
          Coverage 15ml per coat +/-

          Directions: (Use only in good ambient lighting)
          Wrap a 4″ mf Suede around the grey side of applicator block
          Shake CQuartz UK
          Slowly open bottle and drag one line of product across applicator
          Spread across paint in a criss cross pattern approximately 2 sq ft at a time depending on conditions
          Buff off before surface becomes sticky or dry using a CarPro No Lint Ultra Towel 16″ x 16″
          Be sure to remove all excess residue and only then do you move to next section
          Switch out applicators often – as often as 5-10 minutes in warm temperatures.
          Apply Reload before 1 hour. Wait until next day for Reload if you miss 20-60 minute window

          There is nothing which states multiple coats are suggested or required. You may apply a 2nd coat if you desire, but it is not mandatory.

  8. keith johnson says:

    I put a coat of cquarts by carpro. On my 2012 Kawasaki ZX1400 and got distracted and let it dry on my motorcycle way too long up to 3 hours now I can not buff it off at all what will remove this from my paint job I do not know what else to do thank you my names Keith Johnson

    • Keith – you may have quite the challenge ahead of you. You will need to start experimenting with a machine polisher and various compounds or polishes to attempt to remove the dried coating. These coatings become quite hard once they are cured, so it may take quite a bit of effort to remove the material. Take your time. best of luck.

  9. keith johnson says:

    thanks for the advice Zach, and have a good day. the advice you gave me is exactly what I’ve been doing and it’s been a real hard ,slow process but I appreciate the advice.

  10. Jeff Ogle says:


    Great info. Will the 30ml bottle be enough for two coats on a 2011 VW CC?


  11. Jeff Ogle says:

    Another question Zach. Can I use this product on plastic trim?


  12. Jeff Ogle says:

    Thanks for the info and the quick reply. Will look into the DLUX.

    • Jeff Ogle says:


      Applied yesterday and went well. Except feeling a little rushed. Thought it would dry before I wiped it off. That’s just me. Question about Reload. The coating has been o for 24 hours in my garage. Is it beneficial to use Relaod? If so, when do I put it on.


      • Glad to hear you were successful. CQUK is certainly a product that will have you feeling rushed as it can dry very quickly… 22ple products are much more user friendly, so perhaps that will be a good choice next time.

        Reload has many benefits. In the first 5-7 days, Reload can be applied to help provide additional protection on top of the coating while it is still curing. During the initial curing process, the coating may be more prone to bird dropping damage, bug gut damage, water spots, etc. so Reload may help to prevent that sort of damage.

        Throughout the life of the coating, Reload may be applied to provide additional gloss, protection, and hydrophobic properties that may have diminished.

  13. Jeff Ogle says:


    Question about Reload. I have applied it two ways. Sprayed directly on the car and onto a microfiber towel. After the Reliad is on the car I get a lot of streaks. I have to rub really hard to get them off or I have to use IPA solution. Am I doing something wrong?


  14. Jeff Ogle says:

    This is what it says:
    22 06 15
    21 06 17


    • OK – that should be a good batch then. CarPro had some issues with this product throughout 2014 which led to streaking, but resolved most of the issues with this product starting early in 2015.

  15. Jeff Ogle says:

    If this Reload is okay, do I need to dilute it? If so, what ratio and do I need to use distilled water or tap water?


    • You may dilute it 1:1 with distilled water to help make the product easier to use. Keep in mind, you should be using very little product. There are two methods of application which are most common… 1) Spray a very light mist directly onto the vehicle, spread the product out with a shorter nap MF towel or MF applicator. Spread until the product has mostly disappeared. Use a 2nd towel to gently buff the area to remove any residual haze from the product. 2) Spray a light mist onto a clean MF towel. Spread product onto small area, and work into the paint until product disappears. Use a 2nd towel to gently buff the area to remove residual product.

      The product does have a bit of a learning curve, and is not the most user friendly, but it does work well. Most issues with streaking are a result of using too much product or working on a warm panel. If you can’t seem to make it work for you, another great option is 22ple VS1 Final Coat. I’ve found it to be very easy to use. Hope that helps!

  16. Jeff Ogle says:

    Not sure if I told you my car has black pearl paint.

  17. Jeff Ogle says:

    Thanks for the reply. I will try your suggestions and let you know.

  18. Paul says:

    Hi Zack, I have a Porsche Boxster S with XPEL Ultimate (full hood/front and half fenders), I am concerned that the CQUK I want to apply will change the color in slight way that may make the film’s presence more obvious. Has that been your experience or am I over thinking it? Thanks, Paul

    • Hi Paul, the coating should not alter the appearance of the PPF. It is not something I have ever noticed, in fact, Xpel says that CQuartz can be installed on top of PPF.

  19. Chris says:

    Hay , I recently apply the CQUK on my vehicle, how long do I need to wait to before applying the reload? Also just to confirm that I did the CQUK coat correctly, how long do I have to wait after applying the CQUK to start buffing off? Thanks

    • Hi Chris – Reload can be applied as soon as 1 hour after applying CQuartz UK. The removal time of CQUK varies some with ambient temperature and humidity. If you are in a warmer climate (60F+) then I have found UK to essentially be a wipe on, wipe off coating.

  20. azar raja says:

    Hi do i have to apply cquartz indoors garage etc or can i do it outdoors as have no garage, and i have recently had gardx on my car by manufacturer and it leaves dried water marks all over the car when it rains i have recently machine polished my car and hopefully removed the gardx but maybe not all, is it ok to apply cquartz on top of any gardx left thanks and also will cquartz leave dried rain dot marks aswell as gardx did.

    • Reece @ DI says:

      Azar – Cquartz will work great, but please know that it is not a cure all and water marks can still happen. To fight against water marks you want to make sure to remove standing water asap so that the minerals do not etch into the surface. We understand that you can not always remove water asap, so I would recommend topping the Cquartz with something like the 22ple VS1 to help protect the coating and fight against these ugly marks. For application, you will not be able to apply the Cquartz on top of the gardx. We recommend removing it completely, however if you have polished already, that should have removed it for you. If you have any other questions please feel free to contact us here: https://www.detailedimage.com/Contact/

  21. Hi Azar – vehicles will be subject to water marks regardless of what type of protection has been applied. Water spots are a result of mineral deposits drying on the surface of the vehicle. I discuss this in great detail in 2 of my previous articles which I have listed below.

    As Reece mentioned, coatings are no exception and will certainly stil get water marks on them. Silica based coatings, such as CQuartz UK, may be even more susceptible to spotting, but applying a polymer rich topper (22ple VS1, CarPro Reload, GTechniq C2 V3) will help to reduce the amount of spotting.

    After you machine polish your vehicle and wipe it down with CarPro Eraser, you may apply CQuartz.



  22. azar raja says:

    Hi thanks for reply, can you apply cquartz on vehicle outdoors or does it have to be indoors thanks

    • If your only option is to apply it outdoors, then that is OK, however you must make sure the vehicle is completely cool to the touch. Do not work in direct sunlight, only complete shade. Try to work on a day when there is not much wind/breeze as this may effect the application process. Do not work in extreme heat or cold. Indoors is preferred because of the shelter from sunlight, wind, and controllable temperatures.

  23. Dave says:

    Hi Zach, I have a new Ford Transit 250 van – the big tall one. I want something to protect the roof from bird droppings and tree sap (I live under a big Douglas Fir Tree). Ultimately I will build a carport, but until then I am looking for a protectant. I cannot do regular polymer sealants as I still have to climb up on the roof every 30 days and clean the sap. I would just like to wash the roof once a month without climbing up top. Then every year or to apply a protectant.

    Would CQuartz UK be a suitable product?


    • Hi Dave – washing monthly is not what I would consider proper maintenance on a vehicle that sits outside and is subjected to bird bombs, sap, etc. Regular, routine washing is the most important part of maintaining your paint. If contaminants, especially very harmful ones like bird droppings, are allowed to sit for even just a few hours, serious damage may result.

      A paint coating will certainly provide a stronger layer of protection, but it is still subject to etching, and harmful contaminants can certainly penetrate the coating when left to sit, resulting in damage to the paint system.

      I would increase your washing frequency, and perhaps consider an easy to use spray on, rinse off sealant like CarPro HydrO2 as a means of protection that can be applied quickly and easily as needed.

  24. Dean Burman says:

    Hi Sir, just applied CQUK coating and then reload about an hour later. Left in a garage overnight and then applied another coating of reload. Could i apply another coating of CQUK? Or can I use either a paint protection product or even wax just to Top it up and add a little xtra protection. Carpro also state not wash the car for 7 days? Your thoughts appreciated
    Regards Deann

    • No, since you have applied Reload you cannot apply another layer of coating. CQuartz requires a surface that is free of any other product residue in order to achieve a proper bond. For this reason, it can be applied to bare paint (or paint prepared with CarPro Essence) or layered upon itself, but it cannot be applied on top of another product.

      I would not recommend using traditional waxes or sealants on top of your coated vehicle as you will be covering up the beneficial properties of the coating that out perform traditional waxes and sealants. Use CarPro Reload for additional protection, slickness, and gloss as you desire.

      Do not wash the car for 7 days as this will ensure the coating has fully cured before it is exposed to any chemical cleaning products.

  25. Don Howell says:

    Hi Zach! Thanks for sharing! I have a question, I’ve recently started CCing clients vehicles, I’ve had great success with the UK version, I have one client who only uses us for his washes & trusts another detail shop for his ceramic coatings as he said to us “they have been to CarPro school & can get the professional grade coating”
    I have done some research & have not found such a thing…is this other shop blowing smoke up clients tailpipes?
    The funny part is we put a coating on an Escalade about the same time he had his GMC truck done by the other shop & the lower portion of his truck is already losing the coating whereas the Escalade we did is still like we just coated it 😊 thank you for any info!!

    • Reece @ DI says:

      Don – CarPro does offer Finest, which is their pro only coating. You can contact CarPro directly to get certified if you are interested in adding this product to your coating offerings. I hear awesome things about Finest, so it may not be the coating failing, more so issues with application or prep before application of the coating layer. Hard to tell though as you never know exactly how another shop operates.

      • Don Howell says:

        Thanks much Reese! Hadn’t heard of it, I will absolutely contact them about it, thanks again!!

        • Hi Don – as Reece mentioned, CarPro does offer professional grade coatings restricted only to authorized professionals that have been approved by CarPro. They have several products now that are exclusive to their pro installers. In addition to the pro-only coatings, CarPro does host annual training events (they call them “Verge”) in which professional installers from around the country gather to train, learn, and discuss all things detailing. You can reach out to Corey Caruth at CarPro-US for more information.

  26. JP M says:

    Thanks again for this post. I have Cquartz on my car now for a few months and want to refresh with Reload. After washing, would you recommend using CarPro Eraser before applying the Reload?

  27. Ștenghel Cristian says:

    I am Cristian,from Romania
    I’m having a problem and I’m not sure where it’s coming from.
    I washed the car, decontaminated, dried, applied essence primer carpro with DA, then applied Qquartz uk and the next day second layer.
    After 5 days I washed the car only with foam and rinsed.
    In the sun you can see, not everywhere, traces like a fog/haze.
    When I wiped the car, the towel was not clean (I had used it before for wiping several washes).
    Reload must be applied?

    • Reece @ DI says:

      If you are seeing any fogging or streaking, you are most likely seeing areas where excess coating was not properly removed. This means the coating in those areas is too thick and you will need to polish those areas to remove the haze. After polishing, you can re-apply the coating in those areas. When removing excess coating, make sure you use a clean microfiber towel and flip to clean sides often. This will allow you to pull away as much excess coating as possible.

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