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Product Review: Celeste Dettaglio Wax


Recently I just completed a maintenance detail on a Jaguar XKR and pulled out one of my favorite waxes!

aowheels | Celeste Dettaglio

aowheels | Celeste Dettaglio

Celeste Dettaglio Carnauba Paste Wax by Chemical Guys, is otherwise known as “Heavenly Detail.”

This is by far one of the best wax’s in my fridge! I fell in love with it from day one and to be honest, I’m a little prude as to when I feel I should pull this out. This Jaguar doesn’t get a lot of use and is most comfortable being displayed in the garage 5+ days a week. So it seemed only right to add a bit of a passionate touch!

The wax is very easy to use and comes in a 8oz. jar. A single tub of this heavenly wax will get multiple, multiple applications with stunning results every time!

The Jaguar XKR that just got a makeover is in the family of soft paints. Therefore a foam applicator pad was on the menu for application. This wax is also a game changer in protection when applied, both with applicator pad or hand (palm) applications. I’ve found with this wax I’ll get a little bit better longevity out of it when applied by hand. However with the Jag’s soft black paint, applicator pad was the best choice. I used circular motions when applying and I don’t do this with every wax I use. As long as you have a new or clean pad and not dirt particles resting on the paint surface, circular motions will not damage the paints top coat. Buffed the wax off with a clean MF towel and BOOM! We have one happy Jaguar!

I’m currently on my 3rd jar of Celeste Wax in my life of detailing! And each time I go to it, one name comes to mind, Marc Elsworth of Heavenly Detail!

Marc’s input in the creation of Celeste Dettaglio was the key ingredient. When looking to create a great wax, you have to go to a great pro! So, I did as well! I shot Marc a message and asked if I could ask him 3 quick questions. I was also informed that the winner in the Waxstock event that just recently took place was wearing Celeste Dettaglio! How very cool! It’s always good to see something traditional winning in show.

I asked Marc “Heavenly Detail” Elsworth  a few quick questions on the Celeste Wax!

1. What were you looking to achieve with Celeste?

The ultimate goal was simply to create a stunning wax that gave the owner a finish they could only dream of once the preparation of the vehicle was done. I think too many people get hung up on 8 months of protection+, if that’s the case Celeste Dettaglio isn’t for you. Its a wax you should enjoy using maybe every 3 months in preparation for a show or time out driving wanting a perfect looking car. The new wealth of coatings all supply the durability people want but at the price of finish. How many Carnauba based products have won Pebble Beach Concours? Catch my drift?

2. What do you like most about Celeste?

What I like most about Celeste is the finish it achieves, then the amount of people that use the wax and email me on a monthly basis, I have on average 100 emails a month from users all over the world giving me feedback and compliments. Many gave me opinions when Celeste was first introduced and Chemical Guys being such a proactive company worked on these comments and improved the wax to make V2. The composition of the wax for some was too hard so it was softened slightly. Its now perfect in my opinion. Over application is the biggest killer with waxing and being this oils up well after a little agitation of the surface it spreads for miles. I also love the smell, its unlike anything else. Fruity smells have been done to death which is why a slight perfumed smell with a hint of Almond was chosen. One of its biggest selling areas is Asia and its traditionally a region that would blossom with this fragrance.

3. Do you recommend pad application or hand application?

Application is always subjective and pad will always be the preferred method. I coined the “Herringbone technique” about 5 years ago and lots of people now hand wax like this. Its a perfect waxing technique because you are over lapping 2 to 3 times and giving full coverage. As much as it leaves a visual treat on the panels it actually is the best coverage for the car. Hand application can only be done if the paintwork can work with hand application and if the owners hands are soft enough. I have seen people hand waxing at shows with builders hands and dry skin lumps and with dust flying around. Once wiped off they had put more damage back into the paintwork than when they started. Top Tip – Don’t wax at a show, airfields and large carparks, they always contain microgrit being blown around in the wind, it kills paintwork. Pad application when done correctly is the best route. Its so important to prime a pad fully. So many people make a swipe and then proceed to wax the panel. A swipe generally covers around 60% of the pad, the other 40% is bare foam rubbing over the panel. Swipe a pad and rotate it fully 360 degrees until the full pad face is covered then wax. It will glide as there is no frictional areas of dry pad. Its the biggest mistake people make.

aowheels | Celeste Dettaglio

aowheels | Celeste Dettaglio

Thank You For Looking! A big Thank You to Marc Elsworth for contributing as well! I really appreciated that and I’ve always been a huge fan of this guy!

All the best,


Brian Guy
Brian Guy

7 comments on Product Review: Celeste Dettaglio Wax

  1. Jack says:

    Would you mind a quick explanation of the “herring bone” technique?

    • Brian Guy says:

      Hey guys!
      Sorry for the late reply.
      The herring bone technique is a pattern. (non circular) It would be like straight lines overlapping.

      I think the best way I can put it is…. picture the letter X. One on top of the other and side by side… then add a straight line going down the middle of the X.

      As far as this is concerned with waxing a car… We’re talking straight lines in a uniform pattern, then overlapping in a different angle. I’m sure Marc, has a great trick to it… Again. Non circular motions…. straight arm movement.


  2. Zach says:

    Nice review Brian… and even better pictures!

  3. SteveA says:

    I would also like to see a description of the herringbone technique.

  4. fiz says:

    hi.can u describe that how thin should i apply a wax?tq

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