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Product Review: Gtechniq Ceramic GWash


Gtechniq Ceramic GWash Featured Image

About a year ago I picked up my Maverick and coated it with Gtechniq Crystal Serum Light. It was topped with Gtechniq C2 and while it has had a few washes since then, they have generally been maintenance washes with the standard Gtechniq GWash. With this new wash process, I wanted to knock off some light dirt and grime, but also leave behind a little protection to help refresh the layer of CSL already on the paint, so I reached for the Gtechniq Ceramic GWash.

Ceramic GWash is concentrated and Gtechniq recommends using 20ml per 10L of water. I wanted to speed up the wash process, so I did reach for my Gilmour Foamaster II and diluted the shampoo as directed within the bottle. I sprayed the shampoo directly onto the vehicle and the below photo shows the amount of foam I received on the highest foam setting (E).

Gilmour Foamaster Foam

Ceramic G Wash is a low sudsing, high lubricating formula, so I was not expecting to see a great deal of foam with this washing setup. My goal was to clean and protect, so I did really enjoy the lubricity the shampoo provided. My wash mitt glided across the surface incredibly easy and I could feel the contamination being removed. I know foam is all the rage with shampoos, but I look for great lubricity as that greatly reduces the risk of implementing wash induced marring and imperfections.

While working with a shampoo that is designed to leave behind protection I was not expecting it to remove a great deal of dirt and grime easily as I understand you might have to sacrifice cleaning to add in some protection properties, however, I was pleasantly surprised with the cleaning power of this shampoo. Ceramic GWash did break the bond of dirt and other contamination from the surface fairly quickly and after wiping my mitt onto my Grit Guard, I could see a great deal of contamination in the bottom of my rinse bucket.

Gtechniq GWash Ceramic Beading

After your cleaning process, Ceramic GWash will leave you with an extremely durable, dirt-repellent and hydrophobic sio2 layer. Just check out the photo above of the beading I was seeing during my rinse process! You can use this shampoo on painted surfaces, along with wheels, tires, trim, glass, etc. making it a great option to quickly leave behind protection and refresh the exterior of your vehicle during a maintenance wash.

After my first use with the Ceramic GWash, I can safely say it is one of my favorite shampoo options when you are looking to leave behind some protection during the wash process. Do you like to use shampoos with protection, or do you generally reach for a maintenance washing only shampoo? Let me know in the comments section below!

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