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Clean ⋅ Shine ⋅ Protect
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Product Review: P&S SWIFT Clean N Shine



Ever since the P&S SWIFT Clean N Shine was released, it has shot to the top of our interior best sellers list. I have been hearing nothing but great things from customers and professional detailers and with the dust buildup in my vehicle, I knew I had to give SWIFT a try.

I grabbed a bottle and sprayed SWIFT directly to a P&S Bead Maker Ultimate Towel. I wanted to use this towel as it is edgeless and incredibly plush, while the slightly longer fibers help pull more dirt and dust from the various crevices on my interior surfaces. What I first noticed upon my first spray of the product was the great scent, which reminded me of a nice orange creamsicle. I wouldn’t say scent is a top determining factor for items I personally reach for, but when working on the interior of a vehicle a nice scent is definitely a huge plus.

With my towel in hand, I worked SWIFT across the top of my dashboard, steering wheel column, center console and door panels. Some of the interior plastics in my Maverick are pretty textured, so I have found in the past that some cleaners and towels do work better than others. With SWIFT, it went on easy and came off even easier. Just a few swipes of the microfiber towel and a good deal of dirt, dust, etc. loosened up and lifted off the surface with ease. The sprays I used were pretty light (1-2 max), so I was sure I was going to have to saturate the towel for a second passover during this cleaning process, but honestly that was not needed at all. With heavier contamination I am sure you will have to use more, but overall the minimum product used has me pretty confident that this 16oz bottle is going to last a long time, providing me with a pretty awesome value.

For the finish, it is very clean, matte, and normal looking. I know “shine” is in the title, but the finish is less of a shine and more of a crisp, clean, new looking surface. If you are looking for a great deal of shine, this certainly is not the product for you. However, if you are looking for a nice finish that screams new, I cannot recommend SWIFT enough. This type of finish is what I enjoy personally, so SWIFT will be something I not only reach for, but recommend frequently. Take a look at a few of the before and after shots below and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to leave them in the comments section below!

Panel 1 Before and After

Panel 2 Before and After

Panel 3 Before and After

7 comments on Product Review: P&S SWIFT Clean N Shine

  1. Jack says:

    How is it different from the Interior Dleaner?

  2. Kenneth Carter says:

    Can this be used on the “piano black” interior pieces?

    • Reece @ DI says:

      Kenneth – P&S Swift paired with a clean microfiber towel will work great on piano black surfaces.

  3. Kyle Fraser says:

    Xpress has mild protectant in it I thought? So how is this any different besides the scent?

    • Reece @ DI says:

      XPress is designed to clean, while Swift will clean and leave behind a dressed surface with light protection. If you have light cleaning and want some protection reach for Swift. If you need a more thorough cleaning step, XPress is the better option.

    • Polished says:

      XPress doesn’t have any protection.

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