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Quickly Remove Animal Hair From Seats & Carpets


Not everyone hauls animals around in their vehicles, those of us that do know that removing hair can be a nightmare.  Even those of us without animals still may have this problem just dealing with human hair.  I will go over a few different methods you can use for hair removal, which often depending on the type of material you are working on.  In the pictures below, I used floor mats out of a Kia Optima, which has a pretty standard nap that is common in most cars.  Carpets such as those used in a Volkswagen, can be the most difficult to clean as dirt or debris laying really clings to the fibers of the carpet.  On the other end of the spectrum, mats such as the ones used in BMW’s have a very soft or plush nap that are quite simple to clean and/or remove hair from as they release dirt easily.

KMG - Hair Removal

Common products used for hair removal:

When working on an interior that contains a lot of hair, I will typically use a few of these items while doing the interior.  Certain items work better than others for certain tasks, or are better suited for use on certain materials.  I will walk you through my process of working on carpets and cloth seats while doing an interior.

  1. Quick vacuum to remove any loose debris or major dirt build up
  2. Blow out all areas the vacuum could not reach thoroughly with air hose
  3. Vacuum another time
  4. Remove any animal hair if required (with desired product from list above)
  5. Sweep one last time

Without the proper tools you could literally spend hours trying to remove it from most surfaces.  Any pet owner or detailer should at least have the Speedy Stone and Pet Hair Removal Brush in their cabinets.  A lot of people have their own personal preferences on which works better, however I find myself using the Speedy Stone on carpets mainly and the Pet Hair Removal Brush on fabric seats a lot.  The stone can work great on seats also, however you need to be careful which types of fabric your using it on.

KMG - Hair Removal

Kevin M. George
KMG Detailing
Lebanon, PA

7 comments on Quickly Remove Animal Hair From Seats & Carpets

  1. John Ferguson says:

    What you said it what I do but repeat repeat repeat the process!!! I have detailing for 30 years

  2. Kyle Allen says:

    Can you please revise the Blog Article to give additional detail on how you use each of the tools?

  3. Steve K says:

    Minus the Speedy Stone Kevin, it looks like you raided my Interior Tools!


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