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Tutorial: How to Safely Remove Clear Bra


For some DIY’ers or budget minded folks, removing clear bra can be a task that when done safely will keep some money in their pocket. But there is a lot of information about removing clear bra and it can be overwhelming. How can you know what’s the best way to do it? A misstep can mean permanently damaged paint!

I created the following video that explains many of the nuances of safely removing clear bra in detail.

(If your clear bra is far beyond healthy, is cracking or shredding, this is not the correct video for you. The next time we have a project that has shredding or cracked clear bra we will try to get some video and explain that process as well. This video is for clear bra that is not well beyond it’s reasonable life expectancy.)

If you have any questions or concerns about your clear bra removal, please do not hesitate to ask!

Jean-Claude Corcoran
Jean-Claude Corcoran
Detailed Designs Auto Spa
Atlanta, GA

5 comments on Tutorial: How to Safely Remove Clear Bra

  1. Perfect… I’ve been looking for a good tutorial on this for a while as I get questions about it from time to time! Nice work!

  2. james melfi says:

    great article Jean Claude !

  3. wayne sharaf says:

    Jean- Claude, thanks for the video. It was informative. I’m curious as to how far back you removed the clear film and how you finished off the film that remained attached. Regarding adhesive removal, Naptha (lighter fluid) can be used. It can be bought in bulk cheaply, and does a wonderful job removing tar and adhesive. I’ve never seen it damage paint. (but you never know for sure unless you do a test patch. One draw back: IT IS FLAMMABLE! After all, it is lighter fluid! I bet the 3M product is flammable too. Naptha can be purchased at any walmart or hardware store.

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