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8 comments on What Can I Do After My Car Has Been Repainted?

  1. Jean-Claude says:

    Ivan, great advice on communicating with the painter. That is the advice I give my clients as well. Personal research can’t hurt but always at least refer back to the shop doing the work.

    Thanks for the article.

  2. Kennet says:

    Ivan , i must agree with Jean-Claude, during the 30 years i`ve been polishing/detailing cars i`ve quite frequently had clients asking me why their paintjobs has been so sensitive after they`ve polished their car after a paintjob on it.
    and in almost all cases it has been a question of lack of given information to the clients by their paintshop.
    Great article !!

  3. Recently ran into this problem and hence I ended up on this page. Thanks for the advice! It is crazy the difference in quality of paint jobs there are out there!

  4. I’ll be sure to wait at least four weeks before polishing the car. I need to get a new paint job because of a recent car wreck. I would hate to ruin a new paint job.

  5. Ana G says:

    I took my car in for a paint job now it has what is call fish eye? They paint it during winter. what can I do?

  6. Scott says:

    I appreciate that you suggest to stay clear of the polishes that could interfere with the paint curing process. I have been thinking about taking my car in to get painted a different color. But, I want to make sure that I don’t do anything to mess it up. I’ll have to make sure to find out what is in the polish before I use it.

  7. carl says:

    My Mercedes benz was damage in a hail storm, the car was repaired by a company that came highly recommended but they cannot get it right. on the right hand mudguard is a dust particle under the paint, if you look at the paint work then specially on the boot area you see white shade like old car polish that was not rubbed off. a paint dent on the boot as well. the bumper differ in colour , and that was not that noticeable befor they worked on my car

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