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9 comments on Dust When Polishing & How To Reduce It

  1. PapaChop says:

    Not sure if it’s the article you were talking about, but the below review of the Meguair’s MF system shows quite a bit of single-stage red paint off a Ferrari on the pads.


  2. Wes says:

    great info as always, Ivan. Could you do a one stage with 105 and wool pad and go straight to sealant or should you always follow up 105 with 205? Also, how well would a wool pad work with 205?

    • Tony Kiger says:

      You should always follow up with a polishand foam pad. Using a wool pad leaves marring and swirls. You will need to polish these out and then you will be able to use a sealant or such to seal the surface.

    • Ivan Rajic says:

      Tony is spot on. I never like to use wool as the last step. Even on very hard paint where it looks absolutely perfect, I will do a very quick pass with a foam pad and a medium to light finishing polish to ensure no light micromarring comes back later. Wool works great with M205 from my experience, you just have to use it in the right situation.

  3. Kevin says:

    I’ve ran into issues with M105 drying out (or dusting) too quickly when working on a soft clear coat over carbon fiber. I misted a little quick detailer over the area prior to starting and it seemed okay. I got 3-5 passes this way rather than 1-2. M105 seemed okay with it, removal wise, but M205 did not do well (nor did it need it, just experimenting). Should I have tried using more M105 rather than QD? It was also very dry outside when I did this.

    • Ivan Rajic says:

      Hi Kevin,

      What you described can be attributed both to product amount (too much, too little) but also some paint can be very finicky (for us it has been mainly Subarus) and it’s nearly impossible to perform a simple single stage polishing step. All polishes should be able to have a good work time with the right technique and the right amount of product, but sometimes it will be hard to figure out this “right” amount and will take a while. I’ve many times polished a couple panels before finally saying “Oh, so that’s the amount/speed/pressure/etc needed for this paint”.

      If it is in fact the paint you’re working with, then some aids like the quick detailer, pad misters, etc. can be great help in reducing both the experimenting time and stress associated with dealing with this issue. In short, if you found quick detailer to be of help to you, great. You can experiment a bit more in terms of amount of polish and pressure on that certain paint, but at the end of the day if you get the results you expect or better, that’s all that matters.

  4. Chuck says:

    I do allot of detail work on subarus. I own an 06 STi and allot of my clientele co.es from my Subaru club. Very soft touchy clear coat. I’ve found you almost CANT use the M105 with subarus. I mean you can, but they are very picky about it. But if I do a Ford, or Hyundai. I’ve noticed I can even finish with the 105. Pretty strange how big of a difference different paints make. Great write up!!

  5. Danny Comsa says:

    Why not use a duster? You know the ones that car places sell to dust off your car on a daily basis. It would remove a lot of that dust quickly and easily – that is its job.

    Yes, you have to be smarter than the brush, meaning that you have to use the correct amount of pressure to do the job – but again you are not trying to get down to a perfect surface either. You are dusting to remove most of the dust accumulation, especially in the work area.

    Using compressed air, you can remove most of the picked up matter from the duster and keep using it. You could just blow it off the vehicle – but the dust has to go somewhere!

  6. eric schuster says:

    you should never finish with 105. The finish will always be left in a hazy state. Follow it up with something like sonax perfect finish, carpro reflect, or 205 at the minimum. your paint will thank you!

    Removing all that dust will go quick if you have access to an air compressor. blast it all off and continue onto the next stage in polishing.

    I agree, there are times when wool and 105 work wonders, but the insane amount of dust is a little disturbing…especially on black lambos!

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