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What does “22ple” Mean?


22ple has made a name for themselves in the detailing community with their protective glass coatings for all parts of your vehicle.

ATD | 22ple
Photo:  22ple VM1, VX1 Pro, and VR1

22ple VX1 Pro and VX1 Signature offer great protection & gloss for your paint,  22ple VM1 works great on your wheels, exhaust tips,  22ple VR1 makes your trim look great and provides a good layer of protection,  22ple VG1 makes driving in the rain easier as it protects your windows, and 22ple VS1 adds additional protection and makes your paint coating look and perform like new.

As you’re reading through the list of products, how do you pronounce “22ple”?  Is it “twenty two pee-el-ee”, or perhaps “twenty two pull”, or maybe just “two two pee-el-ee”?  I have never heard an official pronunciation to this unique name, so I decided to ask for some clarification from the creator of 22ple.

The response I received was very interesting.  I was told that there is no official pronunciation and that the product logo was actually created first, and the company was named after the logo had been made.  I was then asked if I knew what “22ple” meant, to which I responded that I had no clue.  I was told to take a box or bottle of one of the products and examine the reflection of the logo in the mirror to reveal the meaning behind the name.   Being the curious type, I immediately grabbed a box and took a look.

Here is what you get…

ATD | 22ple

Photo:  Reflected Image of box on Left, standard view of box on right.  Notice that the “22ple” label now reads “glass” when reversed in a mirror. 

ATD | 22ple

Photo:  Close up of the reflected “22ple” which now reads “glass”

The reflection spells out “GLASS”… pretty clever!

So now you know the meaning behind the 22ple brand… the mystery is solved.

Zach McGovern
Attention To Detailing Peoria
Peoria, IL

8 comments on What does “22ple” Mean?

  1. Craig Eastley says:

    Would you recommend this over the cquartz coatings?

    • Craig… I am a big fan of both 22ple and CQuartz Products. There are similarities and differences for each of them, but in the end, you can’t go wrong with any choice. The 2 major differences between CQuartz UK compared to 22ple VX1 Pro is that CQUK is much cheaper, but it is also quite a bit more “finicky” to apply. So 22ple wins on the ease of use, however it is much more expensive.

  2. Daniel Garcia says:

    Can I use the Pro Signature Glass Coat on clear coated wheels instead of buying the rim and metal coat? I have a good amount left over so I figured I could save $60. I don’t see what the difference would be beside higher heat resistance.

    • I would imagine that would be perfectly fine, but I’m sure there are inherent differences that make the VM1 more suitable for protecting your wheels. Since you have some left over, I would definitely say go for it!

  3. Sandra Groeschel says:

    It wassuggested that I use the 22PLE producton the clear bra being installed on my car. I believe te purpose is to maintain the clarity and gloss of the bra. Have you had any experience using this product for this purpose? Which 22PLE product would ibe?

  4. joe wright says:

    Sandra, I’ve had Xpel Ultimate installed on my cars, and have it coated with glass coat. Treat it like paint is what I was told. Use the Signature Glass Coat or the Pro version for paint. I doubted it at first since the Xpel is a self healing, but at the same time, as much as it costs, if it adds extra protection, it’s worth it to me.

  5. richard says:

    How long does 22ple vx1 last unopened.

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