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5 Marketing Ideas for Detailers in 2024


5 Marketing Ideas for Detailers in 2024
It’s a new year so let’s try to stimulate some new marketing ideas for 2024. It’s easy to get stuck in our old ways especially when they work, so let’s take a look at 5 marketing ideas to help get the creative juices going for the new year.

Text Message Marketing

It seems like everyone is attached to their phones these days and a great way to get in front current and opted in customers is through text messaging. I say opted in, because similar to email marketing you need permission from customers to message them. If you do a quick Google search you will find plenty of text message marketing services.

Referral Program

They always say word of mouth is one of the best marketing tactics and when you throw in an incentive for people to tell someone else about your service it’s got to give it a bump. There are so many ways you can approach this. You can offer a discount or free add on service for every new customer referred. You could also do a tiered offer where the more referrals you get the bigger the offer is.

Run a Contest

We run contests on social media all the time and we actually gave away a brand new LC Power Tools UDOS 31E 3 in 1 Polisher on Christmas day 2023! Social media is an easy platform to run a contest or a simple raffle at your shop. It could be as simple as every service purchased gets an entry for a prize of your choosing. This is a great way to get people excited about your business and put a smile on the faces of the winners.

Print Marketing

This is a tried and true way of marketing that’s been around forever. Handing out business cards is one of the most common ways to do print marketing. Other print marketing options include; postcards, flyers, stickers, brochures, and so many more. There are so many possibilities.


This isn’t really an idea but more of a strategy. It also takes a little work to get to know your customers but you might be able generate more sales by targeting customers based on say services they have purchased in the past. Maybe it’s a free maintenance shampoo to all customers who’ve had a coating service to comeback for another service. Think about complementary things you can do bring the customers in. For us it might be if you purchased a polisher, we offer those customers a free pad with their next purchase.

I hope this helps you and your business come up with some new marketing tactics in 2024. We would love to hear your thoughts and what ideas you might have in the comments.

1 comment on 5 Marketing Ideas for Detailers in 2024

  1. David McElroy says:

    Any city I moved to the first thing I did was go to business parks.
    Have an envelope with all your services on it with prices. Tell them you will come to their offices on a given day. You pick up envelopes with keys in them from receptionists and off you go. Have a web page that accepts credit cards. Employees love getting off work and walking up to their clean car. I have always had customers this way. I typically get too busy. One day a week usually ends up being two days a week.
    Good luck

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