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6 comments on Ask-A-Pro: Foam Cannon & Tree Sap

  1. Kevin says:

    Great tips. I have had customers car with big blobs of pine sap and spruce tree sap and I use 3M General Purpose Adhesive Cleaner. The Chemical Guys Citrus wash seems to work well at removing tree sap.I live in Oklahoma City and the sun can make tree sap part of the finish pretty fast sometimes.

  2. Ray scott says:

    Clay bar works did a Toyota covered with it

  3. Benjamin Butcher says:

    I have had good luck using Rapid Remover on old, dried, mixed species tree droppings. Takes a little more time but is effective.

  4. Becky L says:

    Help! I have a 2016 Subaru Outback. Today I realized what I though was water drops was wet pine sap. I removed the wet sap hand sanitizer and dawn washing, rinsing, and drying. When I thought I had solved my problem I realized that I could see clear spots( from about dime size to small blobs) on my hood where sap had been. You can’t feel the spots at all, but when you look just right you can see the spots. I have used bug and tar remover by Turtle Wax, Dawn, De-Solve It (oil base cleaner) and when it is all done, they are still there. Help, please!

  5. Dave C says:

    Denatured alcohol.

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