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3 comments on Ask-A-Pro: When is Wet Sanding Necessary?

  1. Great article Todd!

    When it comes to the removal of a defect by the means of wet sanding, I usually base my decision on how the car is used. If it’s a daily driver car that is parked out side a large portion of the day, I will try and convince the customer to live with the defect vs. trying to remove it. Now if it’s a special interest car that is basically a garage queen, I will be much more willing to wet sand the defect out. Since these cars are not subject the harsh UV rays on a daily basis, clear coat failure is not as much of a concern as it would be on a daily driver car. The OEM finishes on today’s cars is very thin and we only have so much paint to work with…when in doubt, go the safer route. 😉


  2. Stelian says:

    Good info Todd. I also must do some wet sanding to my car because of the orange look.

  3. the paint medic says:

    One little trick ive picked up through the years is if the scratch goes away when wet then in most cases it will wet sand out well with some 1500 grit wet sand paper. then use your favorite compound to remove the sand marks and continue on with polish. I have a mobile scratch repair business and am glad I found this website.

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