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Detail Factory Ultra Soft Detailing Brush


Good brushes can allow you to more effectively clean edges and narrow areas, especially if dirt is caked on.  It can also actually make car washing and interior detailing much safer.

Imagine a brush with fibers that feel as soft to touch as a 600 GSM Eagle Edgeless microfiber towel.  The synthetic material of the Detail Factory Ultra Soft Detailing Brush feels exactly like this and makes this tool, in my opinion, a must-have for any detailer.

Places on a car where there is trim, weatherstripping, antennae support, navigation screens, and (trending) cheaper plastics can be considered potentially sensitive areas and seem to become swirled and scratched much easier than the cars paint.  When polishing you may tape over these sensitive areas, to protect it from incidental contact.  That same danger exists when washing a car or cleaning the interior.  It is not just the concern of product staining, it is also a pad or in this case (washing) a mitt lifting an area with degraded adhesive.  For professionals keep in mind you are working on a car you may not be familiar with.

That is where these brushes come in handy. The incredibly soft bristles have saved me on more than one occasion when cleaning various sensitive areas around the vehicle. It would be a tremendous understatement to say these brushes have allowed me to work more effectively and much safer. Pair with your favorite shampoo or cleaner and remove dirt and grime with ease. If you are looking for something with a little more bite and are working on less sensitive areas, Detailed Image has the set (Boars Hair and Synthetic version) available.

Here is another example of the value of these brushes, confidently cleaning this scratch sensitive carbon fiber front cowling. Love these brushes!

Rodney Tatum
Mirror Reflections Auto Spa
Gainesville, Florida
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