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Learning About All Things Detailing: Detailed Image Ask-a-Pro Blog


I am aware that for a variety of reasons more people have become interested in detailing their own cars and/or having a professional detail their car.  Some of this is a consequence to people keeping their cars longer than usual.  Some of this involves the technological breakthroughs in the industry that not only have provided better and easier to use premium consumer products (options).  Social media has brought intrigue and education on the topic of detailing even amongst those who do have a significant interest in auto detailing.  It has also drawn many car enthusiasts away from forums, towards more trendy social media platforms.

Unfortunately, with these changes the do-it-yourself detailers and the ones seeking a professional have become victim to negative influences on public platforms.  Misinformation is abundant amongst the consumer feedback and from unethical businesses.  Some people expressing their beliefs are genuinely very misinformed.  Many others are also malevolent in the information they provide about the safety of products and performance attributes.  There is also a lot of negativity on internet platforms (troll culture).  Many of the people who comment are not the greatest human beings in terms of kindness and delivering quality information.  I am putting that kindly!  Being critiqued harshly and non-constructively for not knowing everything by someone who likely knows far less about detailing than they think.

Detailed Image BLOG

The many articles that came before I owned a car contributed to me being a writer here.  I learned a lot about detailing from Show And Shine posts on forums.  I was an avid reader of articles on Detailed Image Ask-a-Pro Blog before I even started a business.  This blog has an abundance of information for a beginner to a more advanced detailer.  As helpful as I can be, there are resources from some of the most respected members of the industry.  If you are uncomfortable asking a question on a Facebook page, this is a good place to reach out for more information.

While many brands push and detailers brag about paint correction service, how many people truly embrace educating people at all levels on car wash (maintenance)?  The same can be said for ceramic coatings.  What about detailed information on what a coating can not do or how to get the most out of a service?  Are you interested in starting a business?  For people who are curious about detailing as a business, the information provided may not be what you want to hear, but often what you may need to hear.  The same can be said for people who are looking for a detailer!

How To Wash

How To Detail

Between Details

Show And Shine

How Much Is A Detail

How To Find A Reputable Detailer

Rodney Tatum
Mirror Reflections Auto Spa
Gainesville, Florida
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