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Mytee HP60 Spyder Automotive Detail Extractor: Unboxing


Here in Utah, I’ve got to have a carpet extractor for my detailing as the winter grime can really get into the carpets and fill them full of nasty stuff.

Well sooner or later the time will come when you either need to upgrade or will be forced to upgrade some of your equipment.  I was nursing along my old Mytee Lite II from almost 6 years ago, all along knowing it was going to die.  It was making strange noises, temp would fluctuate, leak some and so forth.  I know I can replace a few of the parts and get it going again, and I’ll likely do that to either have as a backup or sell off to another upstart detailer.  So why didn’t I just fix my Mytee Lite II and keep running with it?  Well the solution pump will need an overhaul, the thermostat needs replacing, and its capacity of solution and collection tanks was on the small size for my operation. Add to that the fact that fixing and waiting for parts takes time and I was down a machine and had jobs on the line!  Time to replace ASAP.

I placed my order with Detailed Image and they jumped right on that drop ship order to help me out, the ball was now in Mytee’s court to get the machine to me on the double.  Thanks to the guys at DI, they kept Mytee’s inbox full reminding them to get the machine out pronto, which Mytee did.  I got the machine pretty darn quick considering it was a drop ship item.  It’s always nerve racking knowing you need a vital piece of equipment to keep your operation running.  My Mytee HP60 Spyder was on its way and a tracking number sent, now time to sit back and wait, and shuffle clients around until the equipment showed up.

It arrived and I was quick to open and inspect, and fire up the machine.

Mytee HP 60 Spyder


Mytee HP 60 Spyder


Mytee HP 60 Spyder

Ready for work.

Mytee HP 60 Spyder

In a second article (click here to read) I’ll give my impressions of this machine after a few uses over the past 9 months.  Based on its performance stats I’m looking forward working with the Mytee HP60 Spyder!

Greg Nichols Reflections Detailing
Greg Nichols
Reflections Detailing
Logan, Utah

2 comments on Mytee HP60 Spyder Automotive Detail Extractor: Unboxing

  1. David Ramsey says:

    Thank you for taking the time to review the Mytee HP60. Based on the reviews I’ve read, it was a leap of faith to buy the Mytee. I completely trust your opinion and I’m looking forward to reading part 2.

    • greg nichols says:

      Thanks David,

      I like the machine, it really comes down to how much you use the machine and its care. I only use purified water, and no chemicals in the solution tank. If you don’t do large cars or only one car a day, you can get by with the Mytee Lite 2


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