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Product Review: Autofiber Amphibian Drying Towel


Amphibian Drying Towel Featured Image

The Autofiber Amphibian Drying Towel is an incredibly popular drying towel and one I have been wanting to use for some time. I finally had the chance and I am happy to say that it worked incredibly well!

Autofiber Amphibian in Package

As with most Autofiber products, this drying towel comes in a nice package. This package has a label that lists gsm, blend, and a quick description of the towel inside. While it might not be a huge selling point, I like this package as it is resealable and after use you can store the towel inside the package to keep your towel clean.

Autofiber crafted this drying towel from high-quality microfiber material (1100gsm and 25% polyester and 25% polyamide fibers), which makes it incredibly absorbent and soft to the touch. Another small but nice feature is that it is double sided and features two nap lengths.

Autofiber Amphibian Side 1

Side one features a long twist pile that easily glides across paint and glass surfaces.

Autofiber Amphibian Side 2

Side two is a high pile plush microfiber that is super gentle and absorbent.

Autofiber Amphibian

Unlike traditional drying towels, the Autofiber Amphibian Drying Towel can absorb up to 10 times its weight in water, making it perfect for use on small, medium or even large vehicles. It comes in multiple sizes and I opted for the 20″ x 30″. I generally like this size as while it is large enough to tackle flat areas on the vehicle, it is small enough to easily maneuver once it starts sucking up water and becoming heavy.

Autofiber Amphibian Fullsize

Here is the towel fully open on the hood of my vehicle. This shows just how large the 20″ x 30″ towel is and how much of a large surface you can tackle at once. Do not believe me? Check out the below photo that shows the center of the hood dried, with only one pull of the towel!

Autofiber Amphibian Drying Shot

Again, this was only one, single pull of the towel and it removed almost all of the standing water. Now this is with the long twist pile side down and that is important. When drying the rest of the vehicle I found that the twist pile did the best job of pulling more water, but the high pile does work well if you ever need a second swipe on a specific area.

This towel is incredibly well made, making me have no question that this towel will be durable and last a long time.

Overall, this towel is incredibly well made and performs at or better than almost any drying towel I have used. If you are looking to try out a new towel, the Amphibian is a great choice. If you are using a different towel, leave your drying towel suggestion below!

1 comment on Product Review: Autofiber Amphibian Drying Towel

  1. George Clavenna says:

    How does this compare to Dreadnought MAX XL

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