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Product Review: Chemical Guy’s Butter Wet Wax


Simply put, the Chemical Guys Butter Wet Wax is one of my favorite waxes on the market! I have had it in my arsenal for a long time and it will always have a spot on my shelf. This wax seems to be misunderstood in the forum world and the famous saying, “it is what it is”, comes into mind when this wax gets overlooked. One of the things that can be looked as a downside of this wax is its durability and this is exactly where I believe that this wax is misunderstood. This wax was not designed for durability, instead it was designed for ease of use and visual enhancement, something I like to call a “Beauty Wax” or a “Show Car Wax”.

The Butter Wet Wax is a carnauba based liquid wax that gives a deep wet shine to any color car. A synthetic wax or sealant is certainly going to last longer, however this wax was made to shine. I use this wax the most in my shop by far and it is a people pleaser that is easy to use, while providing excellent results.  I have found that the look and shine it provides is not only appealing to a detailing professional, but to many car care enthusiasts I know.

One of the most important features I like about this wax is it’s wipe on wipe off application (In the forum world this is referred as a “WOWO”). The benefit of a “WOWO”  wax is you do not have to wait for the wax to haze or dry. As soon as you apply it, you can wipe it off and in a detailing environment this is a huge benefit in making waxing much more efficient.  This “WOWO” wax also makes it beneficial to a car care enthusiast, making it much easier to wax his/her car before a car show/meet, cutting waxing time in HALF!

With all of that said, that is not the only efficient thing about this wax. In fact, there is another characteristic I like even more!

It is not just called “Butter Wet Wax” because it leaves a wet shine on your car, it is called Butter Wet Wax because you can APPLY IT TO A WET CAR! Yes, you read right, that is not a typo, or something I just discovered on my own. This method is actually recommended by Chemical Guy’s and this specific reason is why I ordered a gallon for my shop. At this point if you are a pro, car care enthusiast, weekend warrior, your eyes should be lighting up with the possibilities as did mine. Yes, that means after you wash your car you can apply it without having to thoroughly dry your car with multiple towels first, before moving along to waxing. You can combine your drying and waxing steps into one! This feature makes this wax a money maker that is easy and very efficient to apply. Below, I am going to explain my method of applying Butter Wet Wax to a freshly rinsed off washed car.

First, you are going to want to wash the car thoroughly.

washing the car

After you are done washing your car and all soap is rinsed off, I like doing what I like to call a “Known Down Wipe”. That means I do a quick once over with a microfiber towel removing heavy excess water, leaving water streaks.

This takes no time and the goal is not to get a 100% dry surface, but instead to remove heavy excess water, If the car is properly maintained and sealed this method might not be necessary.

lightly drying the paint

At this time, it is up to the user to apply the wax via hand application or via machine, both methods work great, I however enjoy the efficiency of a machine.

Now that I chose my method of application, I am ready to apply the wax. Apply 4 drops of Butter Wet Wax on a foam finishing pad to start.

four dots of chemical guys butter wet wax

Now it is time to apply the wax to the surface.

applying butter wet wax to the paint

Spread the product on the surface to ensure even coverage.

nice thin layer of butter wet wax applied

Turn the machine on a low speed setting, make overlapping passes and apply a nice thin and even coat. If you are using a Porter Cable 7424xp, I recommended speed setting 4. If you are using the Griot’s Garage 6 Inch Polisher, like me here, I recommended speed setting 2.

Now, apply the wax to the entire car.

removing excess wax

Like we mentioned earlier this is a “WOWO” (wipe on wipe off) wax, so after you are done applying it to the entire car, you are ready buff off.

After you wipe off the wax you will reveal a deep rich wet shine that is very tough to beat.

finished applying butter wet wax

finished applying butter wet wax

finished applying butter wet wax

finished applying butter wet wax

Here are some pros and cons of the Chemical Guys Butter Wet Wax.


  1. Wipe On Wipe Off
  2. Easy Removal
  3. Little Product Needed
  4. Apply to Wet Car
  5. Does NOT Stain Trim
  6. Apply in Direct Sunlight
  7. Leaves Amazing Deep Wet Shine
  8. Smells Like Bananas


  1. Durability

Although I did list durability as a con, this wax was not designed for longevity. It was however made for some serious shine! My recommendation is to have a base layer of a strong sealant, like the Chemical Guy’s Jet Seal or Menzerna Powerlock and after every other wash top it with Butter Wet Wax to improve durability and your vehicle’s overall shine. I use this method on my personal car and the amazing thing is the same amount of time and effort it takes to properly dry my car, I can wax it and only use 1 towel during this whole process.

By now you should see that Butter Wet Wax is a winner, it’s cost effective, easy to apply, and really does leave an unbeatable shine that can make a mirror envious. I own about every elite wax/sealant on the market and when my client wants shine, I always catch my self reaching for Butter Wet Wax. In my shop I always make sure it is in stock at all times and this wax can be beneficial to every professional and enthusiast. I highly suggest to give it a shot, it is very hard not to like this wax once you understand what it is all about!

I hope you guys enjoyed this, as this wax is one of my best kept secrets. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to do so in the comment box below!

Joe Metlow
Joe Metlow
Next Level Auto Detail
Justice, IL

28 comments on Product Review: Chemical Guy’s Butter Wet Wax

  1. Derrick says:

    Love this stuff as well because it’s so easy to apply I apply it all time time after a wash. But i too have a sealant already on the car first. People are always asking me if I bought a new car and I’m naa it’s a 2013 I got in 2012!

    • Joe Metlow says:

      Glad you like it too Derrick, This stuff is too easy to use to not like.

      • mike nadzeika says:

        just for fun I mixed butter wax and v 07 ,did my car ,and holy cow!! swirl marks gone and wetwetwet look..i didn’t feel like doing it separate,lol,glad I did ,,looks so much better mixed up!!

    • Mark Julke says:

      I have tried other products and I just bought the butter wax yesterday for my beautiful black 2016 GMC slt z71 4×4 and it pops like night and day I love this stuff ,I don’t care about longevity because I’ll wax it every time I wash it ,that’s the way I roll.

  2. Zach Bookman says:

    Great review. Very very thorough. As far as durability… Would you say ballpark protection time to be 3-5 weeks?

    • Joe Metlow says:

      Hey Zach! sorry for the delayed response I am currently in Florida and was preparing for hurricane Matthew.

      The Durability depending on climate I have seen a max of 3-4 weeks. However like I recommend in the article you should have a base layer of sealant on your vehicle anyway! so the durability of butter wet wax does not bother me so much, Because of all the Pros I listed. By far one of the easiest wax products to use on the market.

    • mike nadzeika says:

      I would say 3/5 weeks

  3. Ross says:

    Wonder if I can use this as a topper over a base of Collinite 845?

  4. David says:

    Great article and innovative idea on using the Butter Wax.

    Questions: If I were to only quickly dry the vehicle and then apply the wax as outlined in the article, will any forming water spots hamper applying and/or removal by the time I get to the last panels of the vehicle?

    And also, when working with pads on a polisher do they become less effective if they are oversaturated by the water it picks up when applying the wax?

    Thanks again!

    • Joe Metlow says:

      Hey David!

      Excellent questions, If it is really really hot outside and the sun is hitting the car directly yes this can be a issue. I find if I am doing it outside in direct sunlight I do the knock down wipe and the wax application on the side the sun is hitting first, To avoid the water drying on the car. I do the other side that is not getting hit by direct sunlight last as I have more of a window. Also remember that carnauba wax has natural cleaners in it. So in my testing i have found that if it leaves water marks behind that were not pre-existing the Wax will remove them. After I am done washing and doing the knock down wipe outside, I usually pull it into my shop. If you have a garage make use of it. I however have used this method on many many mobile/maintenance jobs outside and have had great success.

      Now for the second question about the over saturated pad. That is why I recommend doing a knock down wipe if the car has not been properly protected or maintained and puddles of water are just lingering on the car this can be a issue. Perform the knock down wipe and you will be fine. On properly maintained vehicles the knock down wipe method does not even have to be performed. I have Menzerna powerlock on my car and after it is rinsed I do not even have to use the knock down method I just go straight to waxing.

      So the only thing to be concerned about is a vehicle that has bonded surface contaminants needs to be clayed and is not waxed or sealed. That is a recipe for lots of water lingering on the paint. Even on that worse case scenario if you perform a knock down wipe it can still be done, Without over saturating your pad.

      In my testing I have found that using butter wet wax on a dry panel is actually harder than a wet panel. The wax actually plays really nice with water. And if I am applying butter wet wax to a dry panel I actually spray some Detail Spray or distilled water on the panel to help it spread more even and thin.

      I hope I answered your questions, If you have any more don’t be afraid to ask! – Joe

  5. Bruce says:

    Like to put a quick coat of Butter Wet Wax on the front of the car, back of the mirrors and windshield before going on a trip. Makes bug removal much easier when I get back home.

    • Blair says:

      I do exactly the same Bruce. It’s a great way to go. And I remove bugs with a quick detail spray when I stop for gas. I never let the bugs stay on the paint surface. Sometimes I will spray wax these areas mid-trip as well.

  6. Michael Hinchey says:

    Personally this all seems like a waste of money to me. I have a black acura tl 2002 ( factory paint) and properly prepared the vehicle, used wg 3.0 and then wax the car the next wash cycle with meguires liquid wax. By the time I’m done putting on the wax it is time to take it off (removes easily enough) and the shine lasts for weeks. All I need to do after that is keep it washed. Since I live near a lot of trees I do this once every three to five days.
    I have not tried the butter wet wax yet so I can’t comment on the look or durability it gives and this is certainly not a knock on the product. I do like the apply to a semi wet vehicle but I hate leaving any type of water on the car since my water is on the rather harder side here in Phila. ( Makes great bread though 🙂
    With all of that said, great article and thank you. Whatever works for you, works!!!

  7. Michael says:

    Joe,After doing all the necessary steps to get a car ready for sealent(menerna power lock)After the sealent is apply and buffed off,should I wait 12 or so hours before I apply your butter wet wax method?Or….

    • Joe Metlow says:

      Hello Michael! I am sorry for the delayed response, I have been super busy. If you are in a pinch for time, you can go straight to waxing. However it is advised to wait some time before you top your sealant with a wax to get the best time out of it. Follow the manufacturers instruction’s for best results. So if you did Power Lock your car, I would wait the 12 hours if time wasnt a issue.

  8. bob says:

    This product, like a lot of Chemical Guys stuff, gets a bad rap. I’ve been able to get about 4 weeks out of it, but I did not buy ir for durability. It is super easy to use, and does indeed leave a nice wet shine. It’s worked very well on my daughters 2013 (silver) Sonata.

  9. Jeff gelm says:

    I am still working through a tin of Pinnacle. How would this compare to the Pinnacle??

    • Joe Metlow says:

      Hey Jeff, If you are talking about Pinnacle Souveran Paste Wax or the liquid version of Pinnacle Souveran, I give the durability advantage to Pinnacle even in the paste version. However there is upsides and downsides to each product such as pricing. If you can live with the durability of Butter Wet Wax you can purchase a whole entire gallon of it for 57.99 before any sale codes, and with DI there is always a constant sale going on. compare that to 16oz Pinnacle for 39.99. The shine Butter Wet Wax leaves behind can battle with the best of them.

  10. Mark Shifflet says:

    How does it perform on black vehicles? So many waxes i have tried streak

  11. Ross says:

    Streaking is a common problem with many waxes, namely paste and liquid varieties, even when applied thinly.

    I have this problem whenever I use Collinite 845. The oils haven’t had a chance to flash yet, hence the streaking. Texas summers most times are humid and hot. If too humid, drying times are increased. If too hot, the upper layers dry too fast, leaving the inner layers moist.

    My solution is to spray the streaking areas with cold water. This forces the oils to flash almost immediately and streaks are removed easily.

    I put ice cold water into a thermos and then transfer just enough to a spray bottle just for that purpose. I stay hydrated and remove wax streaks at the same time.

  12. Ken says:

    Joe… i have a different question my garage has 8 foot high ceilings so not so high, the Floors are 24’ x 23’
    I’m looking at ( led) lightening any suggestions on brand and how many lights I’d need to help with
    Detailing my car, currently have only 1 small window in garage. I have plenty of outlets so that’s not a

  13. Ron says:

    I purchased a new black vehicle. Is this a good wax to use the first time or something different

  14. Scott says:

    The other day I waxed the front and rear hood of my new BMW White 430i convertible with McGuires Carbona Wax. A lot of work to put on and take off. Plus it did not feel like a smooth finish. I’ve used Chemical Guys Butter Wax in the past on an older red 640xi and loved it. So I figured what the heck I’ll run over to the store and pick up a bottle of Butter Wax . I must say EASY EASY EASY and when I was done the cloth just glided over the car and the shine was perfect. Great product and only took about 35 min for the entire car . Would certainly recommend it.

    • Ken says:

      Agree, butter wet wax is a very easy wax on and off and the look is great, doesn’t last very long especially if car is left out doors, but that goes for most waxes in its price range. But for a quick and easy nice shine can’t beat it.

  15. Mark says:

    “The other day I waxed the front and rear hood of my new BMW White 430i convertible with McGuires Carbona Wax.”

    Are you referring to Meguiar’s Carnauba Wax?

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