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Product Review: Griot’s Garage BOSS Correcting Cream


The “one-step” correction process is a very important part of my business.  This process consists of using just one polish and pad combo to remove defects and produce a glossy finish with no marring.  We find this service to be excellent for daily driven vehicles, or any vehicle where the expense of additional correction may not be justified due to a minor improvement in the final appearance.

In order to maximize our results with this one-step process, we rely on having a good medium polish that can remove a significant amount of defects without compromising the quality of the finish.  The Griot’s BOSS Correcting Cream has proven to do just that.

ATD |Griot's Correcting Cream

Here is an example of a vehicle with typical swirl marks and scratches in the finish.  With budget in mind, and given that it is a white vehicle, the owners opted for our one-step correction option to enhance the finish.

Swirls in the paint - Before use of Correcting Cream

A few passes with Correcting Cream on a Microfiber Finishing Pad easily removed all of the swirls, leaving only the deep scratches behind.  The result is a vehicle with more gloss, depth, and clarity!

Paint condition after use of the Correcting Cream

In this example, Correcting Cream was used on a vehicle that was in very poor condition and certainly may have benefited from a multi-step correction for maximum defect removal, but just a one-step process with Correcting Cream on a Lake Country Light Cutting pad made a tremendous difference!  This allowed us to meet our customer’s needs, and perform the service efficiently.

Correcting Cream has a longer working time, with minimal dusting.  I have found that on some paint types, it is easier to wipe off, and on others it takes a little more effort, but I would not consider it to be difficult.

Like the Griot’s BOSS Fast Correcting Cream, this has also become one of our go-to products.  If you are in the market for a new medium-cut polish, I would highly recommend Correcting Cream.

Zach McGovern
Attention To Detailing Peoria
Peoria, IL

5 comments on Product Review: Griot’s Garage BOSS Correcting Cream

  1. Bob says:

    How does Griot’s correcting cream compare to HD Polish+ or Speed in terms of cut, finish & work time? I really like the cap design on Griot’s BOSS polishes. I can’t stand the HD’s push/pull caps.

  2. I’m not a frequent HD Car Care user, though I have used the original HD Polish & HD Speed a few times. If I had to compare Griot’s Correcting Cream to other products, I would say it has similar cut to Optimum Hyper Polish or Menzerna MC2500. The finish will vary some depending on the particular car you’re working on, but overall we have seen outstanding finishing results which is why it makes for a great “one-step” correction product. Working time is long. I typically work it for 4-6 passes and it acts like it could go longer if needed.

    • Bob says:

      Thanks Zach,

      I have only used OPT’s hyper polish twice and I liked it. Both uses of OPT was as a second step after compounding. If GG’s correcting cream is as good, I will have to give it a try.

      Thanks again

  3. Lanson says:

    I’ve found these Correcting Creams to be miracle workers, particularly the Fast Correcting Cream (I’ve come to call it FCC). I’ve noticed in the last few vehicles I’ve done that my FCC has finished out mar-free and ready for LSP, when paired with the BOSS microfiber pads, all the while correcting so much more than the standard Correcting cream (CC) product.

    There have been times when I’ve been apprehensive about using FCC over the normal CC due to fear of marring (from experience of using other high-cut products) but so far, all the paints I’ve touched with the stuff seem to finish out LSP-ready or very close. There have been times when I started to use CC but swapped to FCC to get more correction, only to realize I probably should have reached for it first. That mantra we have about using the least-aggressive product to do the job always repeats in my head but FCC seems to do very little damage on its own while fixing so much when paired with those excellent BOSS MF pads.

    If I had any criticism it is that there may be heavy overlap in what FCC can do that CC can’t. Also the Perfecting Cream (PC) is almost unused as well for basically the same reason… there’s just nothing it needs to do.

    I bet one day there will be a softer paint I run across that CC and PC get to save the day.

    • You’re correct… FCC is a great product! FCC certainly can mar, and on soft paints it can be a lot of marring, but on most paints the finish is very nice for a heavy cutting compound. Correcting Cream is a nice balance between correction ability and finishing ability.

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