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Product Review: Meguiar’s Detailer Line Product Bottles


Well, I’m happy to announce that Detailed Image has finally picked up some of the Meguiar’s Detailer Line product bottles! I’ve been using these clever little guys for years now and I’m happy to be the one who gets to share them with you! Woo Hoo! 🙂

I’m sure most of you are like, “okay, these are just spray bottles right?” Yes! But they are so much more then that too!


Each bottle is colored and labeled specifically for one product, which means no mistakes when you go to grab a bottle…unless your eyes are closed that is…

Dilution Ratios

The label also includes the dilution ratio marks specific to each product.

Instructions, MSDS, and Safety

On top of the foregoing awesomeness, each bottle also has usage instructions specific to the product as well as all the required safety and MSDS labeling info! OSHA will love you for buying these bottles!!!! 🙂

Look Cool

Last but not least, the bottles simply look awesome and will make your workspace look nice and organized. Notice how easy it is to differentiate between the Meguiar’s Detailer Line bottles compared to the basic bottles with my homemade labels. 😉

FYI – The fill line for the bottles is shown below; add water up to the desired dilution marks and then add product to the edge shown.

Chad Rskovich Rasky's Auto Detailing
Chad Raskovich
Rasky's Auto Detailing
Minneapolis, MN

2 comments on Product Review: Meguiar’s Detailer Line Product Bottles

  1. Tim says:

    Excellent write-up,Chad! They are very nice Professional looking bottles! Lined up in your clean shop makes them look even better!

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