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Product Review: Griot’s Garage Rinseless Wash & Wax


With an ever increasing selection of rinseless washes appearing on the market today it’s hard for a new competing product to stand out. However, much like many of the new products Griot’s has released recently, the Griot’s Garage Rinseless Wash & Wax does an excellent job of doing so. Take a look at the product description, pros, cons and a nice video I put together reviewing this great product. As always, if you have any questions please leave them below!

Product Description (From Griot’s)

Save a stunning 60 gallons of water every time you wash your car. We use a unique blend of hydrophobic polymers and carnauba wax which effectively lubricates the surface, guarding paint against scratching while significantly enhancing gloss and protection…everybody wins. Rinseless Wash & Wax is ideal for apartment dwellers and regions where hose-and-bucket washing is restricted. Simply add 1 ounce to 2 1/2 gallons of water (320:1) in a bucket, soak a microfiber towel or wash pad in the solution, and glide it across your paint. Then dry immediately using a PFM™ Terry Weave Drying Towel. It safely cleans all exterior surfaces, including paint, glass, wheels, door jambs, glass, clear plastic, chrome, trim, rubber, and more. For heavier contamination, pre-soak surface with Rinseless Wash & Wax at a 15:1 ratio via the available Dilution Bottle

Product Details:

  • Price (MSRP): $19.99 for 16oz / $29.99 for 35oz / $79.99 for 128oz
  • Rinseless: 1oz to 2.5 gal of water
  • Waterless: 15:1
  • Clay lube: 15:1
  • Scent: Grape
  • Contains Hydrophobic polymers and carnauba wax
  • Leave behind nice, glossy, slick surface


  • Easy to use
  • Great scent
  • Flashes faster for less drying/wiping
  • Highly concentrated


  • While highly concentrated, its price (dollar per gallon of mixed solution) is higher than some others, though it’s not the most expensive.
  • While I personally love the grape scent, it is always a subjective attribute.

Source: YouTube

Chad Rskovich Rasky's Auto Detailing
Chad Raskovich
Rasky's Auto Detailing
Minneapolis, MN

11 comments on Product Review: Griot’s Garage Rinseless Wash & Wax

  1. Paul J Higgs says:

    Would this be safe for a vehicle that is coated? (i.e Gtechniq CSL)

    • Hi Paul,

      Yes, this product is safe for use on coated vehicles, noting that it may slightly change surface tension temporarily. I use it on my wife’s car which is coated with Opti-Coat Pro Plus and it adds a nice slickness to the paint. I’ve followed it later with a traditional wash and the coating/paint acts as it always has.


  2. Frank says:

    Chad I know u have reviewed and used several rinseless/waterless products. Can you actually choose a favorite or are they all pretty much alike?
    I have used Adams rinseless and waterless, ech2o and ONR. All worked well and I didnt find a standout.

    • Hi Frank,

      I do think a lot of them are very similar and it’s likely the little subtleties that will sway a user to one product over the other.

      I’ll actually use a different product depending on my objective. If I’m doing a rinseless wash on a customers car that is to be detailed (paint correction) I want something without added protection, so I will use ONR. Actually, I preferred Meguiars D114 for this but it has since been discontinued so it’s ONR for now.

      If I’m coating a car with one of the CQuartz coatings I offer I tend to recommend ECH20 simply because it was designed to work with them, though it does require more effort to use.

      For general maintenance using rinseless and waterless washing on my own vehicles, Griot’s has become my new go to product. Previously I was using ONR for the rinseless and UWW+ for the waterless, but I really like the Griot’s for both now.

      Hope this helps,

  3. Saul says:


    White car doesn’t show results at all… too bad…

    • Hey Saul,

      I was bummed the dirt didn’t show in the video but my white truck was all I had at my disposal when I did the review. I could see the dirt streaks running down when I sprayed the panel in person, but obviously the video couldn’t pick it up. I believe Griot’s has an official video YouTube with a black car if you’d like to check that one out.


  4. Jonathan Vincent says:

    are you guys being paid for these reviews? I never read any heavy criticism that comes with unbiased research…I’m not saying you guys aren’t honest, but i think its fair game to say many of the reviews are usually in favor of the product for whatever the reason may be.

    • Reece @ DI says:

      Thank you for the comment! We work hard to only carry high quality detailing products at DetailedImage.com. As you may have noticed, we do not pick up entire products lines, instead we hand pick each product we add to our site. This helps us offer only high quality products to our customers and if over time a product doesn’t meet our evolving standards we will remove it from the site. Since we only carry pretty popular, high performing products, the reviews are more likely to be favorable. Our authors will however always work hard to provide you with unbiased opinions. Whether that be this product is one of their favorites, it is pretty good but they like other items we carry, etc. each author will give you his honest opinion on the product they are testing. Authors are welcome to review any product we carry and we don’t give them any directions for how to review it. We have noticed most authors gravitate towards products they are excited to use or test and are more likely to work well based on their experiences and research, therefore they are more likely to review those same products. If a product has had no buzz then our authors are generally less motivated to try it out or even review it. For example, Chad really liked this product from Griot’s, but Zach McGovern was not a huge fan of the Iron X Car Soap (full review here: https://www.detailedimage.com/Ask-a-Pro/product-review-carpro-iron-x-snow-soap/). Zach states, “It worked very well for cleaning, but there are many other shampoos that are inexpensive and also clean very well, so the performance did not justify the added cost to me. After going through a couple of bottles of Iron X Snow Foam, my personal preference is to stick with a more traditional shampoo such as Optimum Car Wash, Meguiar’s Hyper Wash, or Chemical Guys Citrus Wash which all sell for roughly the same price as Iron X Snow Foam, but you get 1 Gallon of soap instead of 1 Liter. If needed, we follow up with Iron X (available in either Cherry or Lemon Scent) to remove bonded iron particles after washing”. There are some examples of negative reviews but luckily most of our guys will take the time to explain it.

      Hopefully that all makes sense and if there are any other type of articles you would like to read just let me know!

      • Mr. Block says:

        Thanks for going into detail on that topic Reece I really love how you guys operates I could see the mission and the vision at the same time and am honored to be in touch with like minded people for a competitive business growth.

    • Hi Jonathan,

      Adding to the response by Reece, we are free to write about which ever products we like and Detailed Image doesn’t prevent us from publishing negative reviews. That being said, I personally don’t like writing a review on a product I dislike, though I will likely let Detailed Image know my thoughts on a product I test and dislike. That way they can decide if it’s a product they want to further test and/or if it’s something they want to carry. It’s pretty rare to find a bad product though and often it’s just a matter of getting to know how to use it as the manufacture intended.

      I should add that we do occasionally receive free samples to test, though this is not always the case and usually we’ll write reviews on products we have been buying and using for quite a while. Many of us have also become close friends with people who work for products manufacturers and many of us have even done development testing for them in the past. At the end of the day our integrity is on the line and I feel we all do our best to keep bias out of our reviews.

      Hope this helps,

  5. Mike Giusto says:

    Will griotsgarage RINSELESS WASH & WAX Replace Spray On Car wash?

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