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The Versatility of Optimum No Rinse Wash & Shine


The Versatility of Optimum No Rinse Wash & Shine

In my last article about Optimum No Rinse Wash & Shine (ONR), I went over the dilution ratios for the three most common uses of this product, proving it’s versatility. Did you know that ONR’s versatility stretches beyond being a rinseless car wash, a quick detailer, and a clay lube? In this article, I am going to be talking about the many different ways you can get an even bigger bang for your buck with the Optimum No Rinse Wash & Shine.

Glass Cleaner

I am going to be honest, it never crossed my mind to use ONR as a glass cleaner but after trying it I think that it’s great. All you need to do is dilute the ONR in a bottle with a ratio of 256:1, which comes out to just pennies worth of product for cleaning hundreds of windows. It is safe to use on tints and will leave your windows with a nice streak free finish!

A Pre-rinse

In my research online, I am finding some really cool ideas on how to use ONR, and another one of those ways to use it would be as a pre-rinse. If your car is really dirty with mud spots or bird poop, before washing the vehicle you could just rinse it off with a hose or a pressure washer. A better idea would be to spray some ONR on your vehicle to let it break down the dirt and grime on your vehicle while also giving some lubrication, allowing the dirt to slide off easier. Again a 256:1 dilution ratio would work great for this!

Quick Interior Cleaner

If your dashboard needs a quick dusting or light cleaning on any interior surface, I would highly recommend using ONR. It won’t be as strong as something like the P&S XPRESS Interior Cleaner so you would need to use it only when you don’t have heavy contamination.

Optimum No Rinse Wash & Shine (ONR) is a versatile product and is slowly becoming one of my favorite tools in my detailing arsenal! You can stretch a 32 oz bottle so far and use it in many different ways.

4 comments on The Versatility of Optimum No Rinse Wash & Shine

  1. rick says:

    how do you ever know what a 256:1 ratio is? pls give ounces or TSP per liter or Qt.

  2. Al Schmidt says:

    I keep a small bucket of ONR with a bunch of microfiber towels in it sealed with a gamma seal lid in my laundry room. I use it to give my shoes a periodic wipe down. It works great at keeping your shoes looking clean and new!

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