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Gyeon Pure Evo – My Assessment


Gyeon Pure Evo Application

I have used the Gyeon Pure EVO many times on my clients’ vehicles.  I have also used the previous iterations of the Gyeon coatings before EVO lineup was introduced.

With respect to the original Pure, these are some of the advertised differences with the new product.  Pure EVO calls for a (shorter) 12-hour dry time for curing.  The ease of use is better.  But it is supposed to have the same candy gloss Pure.  Although improvements within a brand in the past few years have not been limited to Gyeon, as we have seen innovations from established companies in addition to the growth of new coating brands.  I was still excited to see what Gyeon has to offer!

Source: YouTube

My Application Experience

Applying Gyeon Pure Evo

I found myself working one panel at a time applying several drops to the microfiber coating applicator pad.  For large panels (tops, SUV side doors) I split those panels in half.  You, in low humidity air-conditioned environments, have the flexibility of up to 10 minutes of optimal removal.  Though I found the experience to be better and more efficient waiting from 3 to 5 minutes.

I do have a suggestion for you, especially if you are using a high SIO2 Coatings, long term coating, or if it is your first coating.  People will often suggest a two-towel method.  One towel is for removing and spreading the majority of the coating excess and the second to remove the rest.  IN GENERAL, UNTIL YOU GET REALLY EXPERIENCED REMOVING GLASS COATINGS, I RECOMMEND USING AT LEAST 3 TOWELS.  A product like Gyeon Pure EVO, although not difficult, I recommend even more so (4).  Even after several times using Gyeon Pure EVO I expect to use a minimum of 3 microfiber towels for coating removal.  The tackiness (somewhat more effort/grabbiness upon removal) is what you often give up for having a more robust and durable coating with a candy like shine.  The first towel is popularly a 300 to 350GSM for the initial wipe off and the second towel is usually 350 to 400GSM for excess coating removal is the common method.  Gyeon has microfiber towels that I believe work well from application experience.  I used the Rag Company Edgeless (Yellow) 300 and Rag Company Eagle Edgeless (Lavender) 350.

Also using a few more drops of this particular coating than usual helps with the ease of removal.

First Wipe

Second wipe

I start with these two towels but have backups at least in the 350 Microfiber available once you get about halfway and or for an insurance wipe if you do not have a fourth towel dedicated for checking your work or for a thorough wipe down.

I like the Gyeon Microfiber applicators, which Pure EVO package comes with one. But I will also use the Autofiber Coating applicators.

Pure Evo amount

This was about the amount I used on the low end.  My first time putting product on the applicator, I used a few additional drops.

Lessons I have learned from using this coating many times.  More product is better for ease of application.  Sometimes removal would become a little more difficult as I noticed I was not using a healthy enough amount of coating on my applicator.  This is why (in doubt) I would recommend purchasing a 50ml bottle.  Certain coatings need more product applied than others for a successful application.  Although I believe the price for quality and bottle options are good for Gyeon Pure EVO, the value proposition is slightly misleading.  When in doubt remove excess product earlier, taking advantage of a larger window of application.  If you miss any excess coating upon inspection before going to the next panel, that removal process will be easier sooner than later.  While you are getting used to using Pure EVO and coatings in general, shrink your work area more than expected.

For the record I have an amazing relationship with these clients. This car left this home a little earlier than I would like due to an emergency.  They adhered to my strict instruction to not wash for the first week at least.  The car traveled from Gainesville, Florida to near Atlanta, Georgia, then to Tampa, Florida before returning to Gainesville.   I paid my clients a visit two weeks later and was pleasantly surprised to hear and see how well the coating was working for them.  The car pictured below past two weeks without washing and probably a couple of rain showers in between.

VW after application

Another word of caution for this coating and also other coatings.  Many people do not realize there are coatings which are high quality yet vulnerable while it hardens early on. The phrase ‘outdoor friendly’ has been misunderstood by some people who had bad experiences with this coating.  Outdoor friendly is more in reference to ease of application in a not so perfect environment.  Although the odds of moisture diminishing this coating has dropped in part due to the reduced 12 hour window, you ideally want to let it cure in doors.  Many people do not realize, coating outside before a very foggy evening may be nearly as consequential as leaving it in a rain storm.  At the very least especially if you have to leave the car out doors, I recommend using Gyeon Cure or Gyeon Ceramic Detailer a few hours after completion.  Those products are designed to protect the coating during critical hours.  They are also meant to help with water spotting, which is especially important in that first week to a month as the coating is getting harder.

Macan coated

Do you like candy?  For the record I am at the time of writing this article a newly accredited detailer for two coating companies.  But for much of 2022 and 2023 Gyeon Pure EVO has be a staple of my detailing lineup and has received great feedback from my clients.

Fiat coated with Pure Evo

I think this is a great 2nd coating or a good 1st time coating for someone who is very comfortable with meticulous detailing.

Rodney Tatum
Mirror Reflections Auto Spa
Gainesville, Florida
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8 comments on Gyeon Pure Evo – My Assessment

  1. Jim says:

    Another good article, thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience.

  2. Ross Wilson says:

    Great article Rodney. Also, congratulations on being newly accredited for those coating companies! Keep up the great work

  3. Bruce Seale says:

    Rodney, thanks for your very informative article! You provided great tips on installing this coating.

  4. Ron Ayotte says:

    Excellent article and informative! Thank you, kind sir!

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