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21 comments on How to Clean Microfiber Pads with Compressed Air

  1. Steve K. says:

    Thanks for a very practical tip Zach! I’ll give it a shot next time around.

  2. Kevin George says:

    Great article Zach! Air is by far the best way to clean microfiber pads thoroughly, although it can make quite the mess.

  3. Kris says:

    I use my Tornador to clean my pads. Fast and very effective

    • Sounds like a great plan for final cleaning, but this article specifically focuses on keeping your pads clean while working. We blow out our microfiber pads after each and every section to keep them clean.

  4. Chuck says:

    I have found the best combo is a spray bottle with a few drops of dawn, a brush to loosen it up, and then use my metrovac blower.

    • Again, just to reiterate, this article specifically focuses on keeping your pads clean while working. For final cleaning (once we are done with a job) we do use an APC solution to clean the pads and then thoroughly rinse them.

  5. Kevin says:

    Sounds like a really great way to spread the dust around. I have CG pad cleaner mixed in a spray bottle and on foam pads and hybrid wool,and microfiber I remove the pad spray with cleaner massage and rinse. No dust and no residual contaminants from the polishing left in the pad. I use Menzerna pretty much exclusively and it doesnt take very much product to do the job correctly.I am usually able to polish a car with only one or two stops to wash the pad.And never make a mess where my work area needs a detail.

    • Again… it sounds like a great plan for final cleaning, but this article specifically focuses on keeping your pads clean while working. We blow out our microfiber pads after each and every section to keep them perfectly clean as I have found that simply brushing or wiping the pads after each section is not sufficient and leads to far more dust coming from the pad while working.

  6. Jeremy says:

    I have always use compressed air to clean my MF pads(and it also works with my foam pads as well). I use a half full bucket of water to blow the dust from the pad into to avoid it getting all over the place. I also use a mask so I don’t breathe any of that dust in. Great write up and I’m happy I found this blog because there are some excellent information. Thanks.

  7. James says:

    I now better understand why I’m getting loads of dust while polishing. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Steven says:

    What air compressor brand would you recommend?

    • Too many variables… blowing air uses a lot of air quickly, so the larger capacity you can afford the better, but any size will technically work. Smaller volume tanks will just run much more often. There are plenty of good options out there to fit all price ranges.

  9. James Gerber says:

    Thanks for post. I used air compressor to clean my entire computer 🙂

  10. Carlos says:

    I work inside a warehouse and we detail about 25 cars a day using the Meguiar’s cutting pads. Any suggestions to keeping my warehouse clean or cleaner from all the dust while blowing my pads in between sections?

    • Hi Carlos – there are a variety of dust collection and air cleaning systems available. You may find it beneficial to have a large dust collector installed to help minimize dust throughout the entire facility, or you may find it more reasonable to have a smaller unit that can be positioned near a pad cleaning station for localized dust collection.

  11. Jason Mitchell-Divers says:

    Hi Zach Is it worth considering a filter for taking the small amount of oil that maybe present in the air when blowing out the pads? It would have to be a carbon type filter, as for the extraction of dust – a hoover set up into a small booth would extractor the dust.

    Cheers jason

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