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Introducing A New Author, Jeff McEachran!


We are doing something a little different here on the blog than we have ever done before. Instead of just having professional detailers as writers, we are going to open up writing from some of our awesome manufacturer representatives.  This will hopefully give you some inside information on their detailing products, new products coming on the market, how they were created and how to maximize results!

The first manufacturer rep we have ever added to our team is Jeff McEachran who is the national brand manager at Gyeon USA.  Additionally, he owns Detail Force where they do high quality detailing, paint protection film, coatings, etc. out of Colorado! Jeff started off like many detailers, with the love of cars, and his detailing journey has brought him many places and allowed him to meet many people. You will be gaining unique insight from someone who has worked closely with a top manufacturer and has been in the trenches of working long days in a detailing shop.  We are all excited to be learning more from Jeff and understand more about one of the most ‘up and coming’ detailing brands on the market, Gyeon!

Learn more about Jeff below and help us welcome him to the Ask-A-Pro Blog!

Firstly, a huge thank you to the DI Team for the opportunity to contribute here! I look forward to sharing what I’ve learned in this industry as well as learning from the readers and fellow writers here.

The Detailing Industry has taken me on quite the journey. I have spent the last 14 years weaving through it. Learning and meeting great people and helping them enjoy their vehicles. I think we all started with the requisite “childhood passion for cars and loud noises”. Looking at in now, I think wheels and a motor have always been a means of freedom for me and that is where my love for them grew. It started for me with motorcycles at a very early age. Coming home from middle school, fly through the door, backpack down, straight in to the garage, leg over my dirt bike, and I was gone. Off to join the rest of the neighborhood ruffians at the canal for the rest of the days adventures. The speed, the mechanics, the lines of the bike…I was hooked. At 16 that sense of adventure transferred in to automobiles. At 16 your car was your tail feather, meant to be displayed prominently and proudly to attract the fairer gender and ward off competing males.

I didn’t explore detailing past the surface level of keeping my car clean until I paired it with my second passion, business. I decided at 18 that I was to be my own boss and that I want to own my own business. After watching my father run a small Kitchen and Bath Remodeling business my whole life, and the freedom that provided him, I knew it was the path for me. I had no idea how to do it, so the obvious go to was the next thing I was most interested in, had the most passion about, and most importantly where I could add value to other people and that was cars. Growing up in South Florida there was no shortage of automobiles that needed service. Second Look Auto Detailing was born in 2003.

I started with a truck and a trailer running $20 washes and $75 waxes all over town. Scratching the world out of people’s cars I’m sure! I majored in Business Management simultaneously and grew my skills in detailing and business together. The Mobile Detailing business did phenomenally. I dabbled in other businesses. Some worked some didn’t, and I learned a ton. But I always came back to Detailing at my core. I love the mechanical interaction between me and the vehicle and being able to give an owner a whole new experience of the car they love.

I knew I wanted to take the business and my skill set to the next level. These new-fangled Coatings were fresh on to the US Market and Todd Cooperider was among those leading the charge. I attended his Elite Detailer Academy where I took my Paint Correction ability up a notch and learned Coating installation as well as the business model behind them. I revamped the business in to Detail Force as it sits today. We focused on Paint Correction and Coatings in the South Florida market and did very well. I had developed a great relationship with Todd over the next few years. I can’t thank him enough for his friendship and guidance. I will say this, attending classes and industry trainings isn’t always about the skills being discussed. It is equally as important to build strong relationships and networks in this industry as you never know where they will show back up!

After 3 years in the FL market, my soon to be wife and I were ready for a change. We moved our life and the business to Denver Colorado in February of 2015. Detail Force took off like a rocket. In June of 2015 I received a call from Todd Cooperider…”if you get an email from a certain someone you’ll know it was me”…hangs up. Ok cool. A few weeks go by and sure enough. An email lands from GYEON Quartz stating that they are looking for a US Brand Ambassador, that I was recommended, and asking if I was interested. I struggled with this, knowing the time it would take to do it properly and the time it would take away from growing Detail Force in a new market. I spent the next several months getting to know the guys behind GYEON, testing the products extensively, and getting a feel for the brand. This is one of those knocks on the door that you have to answer. I officially joined the GYEON Team in November of 2015 and it has been an incredible experience ever since. My brother Jared moved to Denver in late 2015 as well and keeps Detail Force on track. We run the shop here together with two other guys in Denver and I run GYEON Quartz USA nationally. We have an awesome Team here locally and globally through GYEON Quartz and the Denver market has been amazing.

This brings us together today and my authorship here with Detailed Image! GYEON is relatively new to the US Market and we are very excited at the opportunity to bring a full set of Car Care Products to both the enthusiast and professional detailer that do exactly what they say they will do, with a focus on ease of use and high performance. GYEON is known globally for its Coatings, but it is a full start to finish car care company. I’ll be contributing How To and Educational style content on the GYEON product set to the DI Ask A Pro Blog and available for discussion and questions.

Thank you all for reading and I look forward to our discussions here!

7 comments on Introducing A New Author, Jeff McEachran!

  1. james melfi says:

    Nice Dude! looking forward to reading some awesome articles!

  2. Kevin George says:

    Welcome to the group! I know I have been playing with quite a few of your products and will have some reviews here in the next few months and look forward to seeing some of your articles on the products.

  3. Welcome, Jeff. I’ve been experimenting with some of the Gyeon products lately. Looking forward to learning more about them through your articles.

  4. Greg Pautler says:

    Great to have you on board Jeff, can’t wait to learn more from you!

  5. Matt says:

    Welcome aboard Jeff! Looking forward to what you have to contribute! I always like having more products to choose from and having a detailed description on how to use them makes this work far more enjoyable.

  6. art guzman says:

    Jeff, I am retired and looking for something to do on the side. Right now I have a few friends that have asked me to detail their cars and trucks. I guess I would say about 6 cars and 3 trucks of friends who are still working and just want their vehicles taken care of. So my question is without breaking the bank what type of items would I need to buy? All of those vehicles are in pretty good shape, for the most part it would be to wash, wax, do the trim, and clean up the inside.


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