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Product Review: 22ple VG1 Glass Coat


The 22ple VG1 Glass Coat is another great new product from the guys at 22ple.  Along with their VG1 Final Coat, VG1 is a spray on coating for the glass of your vehicle that applies easily and works well.  Unlike my product review of 22ple VS1 Final Coat, this one will not be so long with tons of photos.  Mainly because the few times I tried it, it was very simple to work with and the application process was extremely similar (basically the same) as the VS1 Final Coat.  Also, I did a lot of testing with the VS1 product before trying VG1, so if/when you see me comparing the two a lot please understand it’s simply because of the good experience with VS1, before VG1.  Getting to it…

Similarly to VS1, the product comes in a nice spray bottle that makes it very easy to carry around and apply…





I used my experience with VS1 to apply a bit to the applicator pad…



I only applied it to a small section here to show how it looks wet vs dry.  After, I saturated the entire surface with about 3-4 sprays before applying to the glass…


I used a rear tinted window of a friend’s vehicle for most of the testing as I felt it showed better in the photos than clear glass.  Because the car is almost new, I decided to skip the polishing and only decontaminated with a NanoSkin AutoScrub Pad, followed by a thorough wipedown with CarPro Eraser.  The glass was completely clean and smooth after this, so I moved on to the coating.  To start, I applied a couple of sprays to the glass section…


Spread out evenly, reapplying to the glass as necessary (normally when I felt the applicator get a bit grabby)…


VG1 acted exactly the same as VS1 in terms of drying to a haze, however it did so much quicker.  On a normal day, 70-80 degrees with mild humidity, I would say I removed it easily anywhere from 2-2.5 minutes.  However, on a very hot and humid day, it dried up very quickly and gave me the same issues as VS1 Final Coat…

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After wiping it off at around 1.5 minutes, I had minor haze left over…

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Which easily came off with an extra spray and wipe…

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The VG1 Glass Coat was extremely easy to work with and seemed to work really well based on the beading I saw after about 2 hours of application…


I’m planning to do an update on this review with a video showing the beading and sheeting capabilities of VG1, but I will wait a couple weeks at least so it fully cures and I can see how it looks.

Overall, it’s a really great product and very easy to use.  Durability is expected to be up to 6 months and with a product this easy to apply I don’t see a problem applying it every 3-6 months as necessary. Seeing as how glass does get contaminated sometimes, but usually gets overlooked due to the priority of cleaning your paint, I like the idea of a light decontamination and reapplication every few months to keep glass clean and protected.

As with VS1 Final Coat, I would recommend following the 22ple instructions on 2 minutes or less, but you may find yourself doing it a bit quicker or slower depending on temperature.  In the case of VS1, this time difference seemed to range from 5-15 minutes, however with the VG1 Glass Coat I can see dry time always being at anywhere from 1-2 minutes, which is much more consistent.

Ivan Rajic LUSTR Deatil
Ivan Rajic
LUSTR Detail
257 N Woodwork Lane
Palatine IL 60067
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1 comment on Product Review: 22ple VG1 Glass Coat

  1. Ryan Jacobs says:

    Great product, I have the entire 22ple arsenal.

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