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Product Review: Meguiar’s Last Touch D155


Imagine spending a day cleaning up your ride… you’ve carefully washed it, clayed it, polished it, and applied a new layer of your favorite protection.  The car looks great… the entire neighborhood will surely notice how perfect your car looks when you take it for a spin later, but for now it’s time to pull it in the garage for safe keeping.  After resting for an hour on the couch, you want to go take another look at your glossy paint.   As you walk into the garage to inspect your hard work, you find the car has already accumulated a thin layer of dust in the short time it has been parked.  Sound familiar?

This is the perfect time to break out your favorite quick detail spray to safely and quickly remove the dust without the need to wash the vehicle again.

ATD | Meguiar's D155

Meguiar’s Last Touch is an instant detailer that will clean your paint and leave it so deep and wet looking you would think your paint was literally soaking wet! This formula contains polymeric lubricating agents that encapsulate dust and light surface contamination, allowing you to safely clean the paint without introducing swirls. At the same time it’s adding a coating of gloss you can instantly notice. You can use Last Touch in between details to refresh the shine of your paint, or use it as a finishing product after a full detail and wow your friends! If you are looking for an instant detailer that brings an abundance of gloss that also cleans then the Meguiar’s Last Touch is for you!

ATD | Meguiar's D155

I’ve gone through a lot of quick detailers over the years.  Meguiar’s D155 is a product that has found a permanent spot on my shelf.  I reach for it most when I need to give a vehicle one last wipe down before a customer arrives to collect their car.  I simply mist a small amount of D155 onto a plush microfiber towel and then lightly wipe any dust from the surface of the vehicle.  When used properly, there will be no streaking, no smearing, no mess… very easy to use!  The product provides ample lubrication for your towel while you are cleaning light dust from the surface, and leaves a smooth feeling when you wipe it away.  Another thing you will surely notice is the pleasant tropical scent.  You will be tempted to taste it because it smells so good!

ATD | Meguiar's D155

If you’re searching for a new quick detail spray to keep your vehicle clean in between washing, I would highly recommend giving Meguiar’s Last Touch a try.  This easy to use, economical product will surely meet your needs.

Zach McGovern
Attention To Detailing Peoria
Peoria, IL

19 comments on Product Review: Meguiar’s Last Touch D155

  1. Mike says:

    Great review Zach. D155 is one of my favorites as well. Not only is it a great detailer but it makes a cost effective clay lube.

  2. Mike C. says:

    Zach – Another great review. Quick question – Do you recommend using this on top of a 22PLE coating?

    • Thanks, Mike! Sure, you can use this on top of any paint protection. It will help increase surface slickness… my personal preference though for regular use is D156 which I have previously reviewed.

  3. Steve K. says:

    Thanks Zach! Really enjoying your reviews and the opportunity to learn.

  4. Lee says:

    Hi Zach, great review as always.
    Do you/can you use this as a drying aid at all?

  5. Kevin George says:

    Nice review Zach! This is one my personal favorite products as well. I use it as a drying aid quite a bit.

  6. steve says:

    Nice Info Zach. Just wanted to mention an important fact, It is NOT body shop safe. Not recommended to be used around painting environment. I enjoyed the article.

  7. Chandler Kenady says:

    Great review! how would you compare D155 to Optimums Instant Detailer?

    • Hey Chandler – to be honest, it has been well over a year or two since I have used Optimum’s Instant Detailer, and I don’t have a clear memory of how that product worked, so I won’t make an attempt to compare the two. Sorry I can’t be of more help. Thanks for reading!

  8. Joe says:

    amazing work zach, i dont know if im more impressed with your photography skills, detailing skills, or your CAMERA!

  9. Joe Breezie says:

    Off topic but the BMW picture looks amazing!

  10. Dallen says:

    I think this has been answered all ready but can it be used as a drying aid on coated vehicles? i know some coatings do not like stuff like spray waxes or QD that may contain Carnauba.

    • Hi Dallen – as I mentioned in one of the comments above, “you can use this on top of any paint protection. It will help increase surface slickness… my personal preference though for regular use is D156 which I have previously reviewed.”

      Let me know if you have any other questions!

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