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15 comments on R.I.P. Clay Bars?

  1. Wes Bremec says:

    Ivan, I agree 100 percent on what you have stated in your article. Sometimes you need the extra grab of the traditional clay. Manipulating the clay using pressure to for harsh bonded contaminates is critical. Very nice right up!

  2. Wes R says:

    Awesome article!! Lots of valuable info on different products! My question is: The places I drive my car causes lots of contamination on a simple 20 mile drive so instead of letting it build up could I use the clay bar for at least the front end after every wash? Or would one of the quick products you mentioned be a better fit for this?

    • Ivan Rajic says:

      That’s a tough question to answer Wes. Yes you can decontaminate more often in order to never let it build up, but at the same time you may cause some marring in the paint and not want to polish that often, so it’s a tough choice. I would definitely not decontaminate every wash, but if you wish doing it every 3-6 months instead of once a year may be a good idea.

  3. Jim says:

    “Replaces the need for a clay bar while saving you time” Ivan, sounds like ithe “Product Information” Nano Skin Pad tends to be a bit more confident on the product. I tend to agree with your assessment.

  4. Jeff Davis says:

    Have you used the NanoSkin wash mitt and, if so, do you have an opinion? It seems to me the wash mitt could be the ultimate time saver if it works about as well as the NanoSkin pad. I usually do another quick wash after I clay bar anyway and this wash mitt would do both at once.



    • Ivan Rajic says:

      I have yet to try the wash mitt Jeff, but it should work really well in terms of time savings. Once I do try it I’ll be sure to post an update here.

      • Jeff Davis says:

        So I went ahead and purchased the Nanoskin Autoscrub medium grade wash mitt. My truck is a daily driver that was last decon’d in October. So it’s been through almost 8 months of daily driving, and hunting trips.

        I used Chemical Guys Mr Pink as my wash / lube. I performed an initial wash and then went straight to the mitt. I thought I had done a sufficient job of “breaking it in” per the instructions, but it was clear that I hadn’t as the mitt REALLY started to work after I made a few initial passes across the hood. No harm, no foul.

        As you stated above, the mitt won’t completely replace clay, as there were a couple of spots that needed some clay, but it did better than 90% of the surface of my truck (bed cap included) and only took about 20 minutes to do it. What was left was a smooth surface that was ready for an AIO.

        I’m glad I took the plunge and bought this. Well worth the time saved.

  5. I agree with your article 100% as well and think I can offer a little expansion. Both the S.M Arnold and Nanoskin products are a Rubberized Polymer surface. The form – Pad, Cloth, Mitt – is relevant only to comfort and convenience. If you like any of them in one form you’ll like the other forms too. Another important point is that these surfaces can be easily cleaned. If you drop the cloth just rinse it off vs throwing a clay bar away. Cost is a major drawback for the average individual by a new 7″ cloth makes it pretty affordable at maybe 50% over the cost of clay. These are great products and a thrill to use with a life span of 50 to 100 cars.

  6. ERIC MILLER says:

    I have a 2001 white Tundra with the original paint. Bought it from a friend and never been clayed or waxed to my knowledge. What would you suggest to a cleaning? Would you go with clay bar or one of the newer products? I’m a novice so am depending on your expertise.

    • Ivan Rajic says:

      Eric, you can start with chemicals like IronX and TarX, then move to the pads such as AutoScrub pads. Finally, if necessary, you can use clay bar to clean up any contamination. Basically, start with the least invasive and abrasive methods.

  7. Jim Phillips says:

    I bought a Nano Skin Auto Scrub Towel. Haven’t used it yet and may return it? The instructions for break in and proper use are written in blue letters against a black background. This is the worse print combination in addition to being so small you can’t read it! Is there somewhere on the internet I can find this information? Really disappointed with this!

  8. Once in a while a customer will ask ‘Are you going to ‘clay bar’ my clearcoat ? Yeah, if it needs it !…. I don’t know about you guys but I have working mans’ hands and micro- fiber towels stick to my hands like velcro..Give me a used diaper, washed of course.

  9. Daniel says:

    I still use a clay bar on my mini details. It is time consuming for a mini detail. I wish there was a faster way i could probably use a clay bar with a higher grit than what I’m using. Some times buffing seems like it would be quicker even though it is not included in the package. Even after buffing I some times notice spots that need to be clayed. the swirls a re gone but there is still a spot or two anyone else notice this?

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