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BMW M5 Paint Correction and 22PLE Glass Coating


The only reason for this article is simply to show off a recent detail job we performed on a new BMW M5, one we’re extremely proud of to have achieved such amazing results :).  The car was initially in poor condition, even for a car that was only a few months old.  It had suffered a front end accident and also had a few parts repainted before it came to us.  Once we finally had this car in our possession, it was decided that a 2-3 stage paint correction was best before applying the 22ple VX1 Pro Glass Coating.  Some parts of the vehicle were even polished with 3-4 stages of correction due to some bad holograms and deeper scratches caused by the dealership and body shop.  Unfortunately, we lost most of the photos, which included all of the “before” photos we took the first day due to a bad memory card in the camera, so all we have below are the nicer looking after shots.

Initially the M5 was in great shape when it came from the factory, with a few minor holograms and some swirls here and there.  Since we had to schedule about 2 months in advance, the car went through a lot with typical daily damage, washing and drying, and the mentioned trip to the body shop.  Unfortunately, the body shop did their typical handy work in not only causing holograms and marring from the aggressive polishes and pads, but also leaving wax in all the crevices.  This took a while to improve, but we were able to do so within a 2 day period and here are the results…

Few shots in the sunlight showing how perfect the paint came out and the beautiful metallic flake showing through the 22PLE coating…




Here are some photos showing the car in all its glory.  Definitely an amazing machine, but I was also very fond of this color!









As you can see from the photos, the car came out really well.  We also coated the wheels with the 22ple VM1 Rim and Metal Coating, so the entire vehicle will look great and will be well protected for a long time to come.  I hope you enjoyed viewing the photos as much as we enjoyed taking them and working with this car!

Ivan Rajic LUSTR Deatil
Ivan Rajic
LUSTR Detail
257 N Woodwork Lane
Palatine IL 60067
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9 comments on BMW M5 Paint Correction and 22PLE Glass Coating

  1. Love those cars… nice work Ivan!

  2. Moheb Hanna says:

    Hi Ivan,

    M5 is ultimate Machine…excellent job!

    I would like to ask you few questions:
    1- what was your correction approach (compound/polish/finishing polish & pads)? Did you use rupes and/or rotary?

    2- Is 22 PLE glass coating can be toped by your wax of choice if I want too, say after 2-3 weeks.
    3- What QD you recommend between washes for 22 PLE glass coating.

    Thanks for your help

    lancaster, CA 🙂

    • Ivan Rajic says:

      Thanks all. Moheb, to answer your questions..

      1. If I remember correctly I used Meguiar’s 105 with an orange Lake Country pad and Meg’s 205 with a crimson LC pad, both done via Flex 3401.

      2. Yes but I would advise against it because as you’ll see if/when you apply 22PLE, it will bead and resist swirl marks better than any/most waxes and sealants, so by topping 22PLE you’re basically taking away all of it’s qualities for the period the wax/sealant will last.

      3. I don’t recommend doing any sort of cleaning of paint aside from washing. Even if lightly dusty, “quick detailing” it will almost certainly create some swirl marks on anything but the hardest of clear coats.

      Hope that helps!

  3. Moheb Hanna says:

    Thanks Ivan for your prompt response.

  4. Peter says:

    Ivan, beautiful work.

    How does one determine hard or soft paint? By the way in which the paint reacts to a particular combo?

    I just recently became owner of a low mileage (750miles) 2012 BMW 335is in crimson red. The paint had swirls and straight line scratches. I am shocked on the condition of the paint for it being so new. I attempted to correct with a flex 3401 and an orange CCS pad combined with a diminishing polish by Menzerna named Wolfgang total swirl remover. I corrected all swirls, and most straight line scratches, but not 100%. I had to apply a lot of downward pressure too. That is why I am wondering if I might be dealing with hard paint, and wondering if I need a different combo. Its discouraging to spend so much time and physical energy to not get those darn straight line scratches out completely.

    Now I have surbuf 5.5″ pads that I have never opened, but only ever see that pad being used with non-diminishing polish like m105 and a PC7424xp. I do have the PC, but no m105 or any non-diminishing polish for that matter. How effective would that pad be with a non-diminishing polish on bimmer’s crimson red?

    Thanks, and what paint color is that M dressed in?

    • Ivan Rajic says:

      Hi Peter,

      There are some general “rules” out there in terms of what paints are soft/sensitive and which aren’t, but in reality you won’t know until you put a polisher to it and do a few test spots with some products. I’m not familiar with the Wolfgang swirl remover, so I really can’t say what you can or should do next. The surfbuf pads should offer you noticeably more correction than the orange pads, with or without non-diminishing polishes, so maybe you can simply try a section and see how it goes. You are right in thinking that the surbuf or even orange pad paired with M105 would correct pretty well on your paint, so it might be a good idea for you to pick up some M105 and give it a shot.

      I can’t remember for sure but I think the M5 color was Azurite Black.

  5. Peter says:

    Clarifying…meant how would surbuff pads work with diminishing product like a menzerna similar polish like the Wolfgang TSR.


  6. rick says:

    Nice job. I have been looking for a coating like this for sometime for my dark blue metallic Mercedes but have been confused by the variety of coatings available. There is Modesta, 22pple, pompanazzi, opti-coat, cquartz CQUK, G Techniques EXOv2,etc. With the understanding that prep is the key to any of these I am looking for an easy to apply, glassy, clear deep gloss that makes the paint pop as first priority. Also I am unsure if Modesta or many of these are available commercially vice to only professionals. Pls advise if you can.

    • Ivan Rajic says:

      Thanks Rick.

      I can completely understand your confusion as there are many coatings on the market today (more than you even mentioned!) and it can be very hard to simply choose one. Also, yes some are only available to professional detailers, such as OptiCoat (Pro version, not 2.0), CQuartz Finest, etc.

      You are correct that paint polishing and prep is key with any coatings and honestly any one of the mentioned (I’m only not familiar with pompanazzi) should give you great results. I have had great results with 22PLE for the most part and more recently started using CQUK as well. Just make sure you perform the prep as best as possible and I’m sure you’ll be happy with any of the coatings.

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